Chapter 1

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"Okay, you guys know the drill. Pass up your tests, then answer sheets, then pencils. Oh and also, NO TALKING! These are your finals people! Mr. Brandon! Do you have anything that you would like to share with the class?" The snickering from the back of the room halted to a stop as a strong male voice offered, "No, sir." The teacher, satisfied, remained at the front of the room eyeing the whispering class over. Papers rustled, pencils were being handed to the front of the room, and excited whispers of, "What was the answer to number three?" or "I didn't get the last question!". All of a sudden I felt a sharp jab at my back.  

"Luna! Pssst! Luna!" I turned around to face my friend. 

"Lexi shut up! You're going to get us in trouble again!" 

"But - " 

"Shhh!" An annoyed whisper from my left assured me that the Popular Princess Paula (PPP for short) was trying to shut us up. I was just about to come back with a witty reply when all of a sudden my hands started to shake, my face paled and my mouth was cotton ball dry. My normally electric blue eyes had changed to a barf green and the room started to spin. What was going on? 

"Luna, are you ok?" Lexi's worried voice came from behind me. 

"I-I don't know" I replied shakily. 

"If you're going to puke, turn yourself around the other way. Gosh don't you have any self-respect?" the PPP scoffed. 

"I'm going to the nurse Lexi. Right now." As soon as I got up out of my chair, I wished I hadn't. My knees started to buckle and I felt nauseous. I had never felt this way before. I started to sweat. I was scared. 

"Miss Luna!" a voice thundered from my left, "What are you doing out of your seat? Sit back down right now! I will have to hand in your test as unscorable young lady! Where are you go-"I cut him off as I stumbled out of the classroom, into the hallway, and right into the arms of a boy I had never seen before. He had pitch black hair the color of the night sky, deep brown eyes the color of dark chocolate, and almost pale features, but something was different about him as if I had almost seen him before. But I don't know where. I had to get to the nurse quickly. The boy looked me in the eyes with a quizzical gaze, and was just about to say something - then I blacked out.

I woke up five minutes later to the sound of a phone going off. I opened my eyes and squinted up at the bright light that was in the nurse's office. The boy with the midnight black hair was nowhere to be found. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. There was a mirror on the table next to my bed. I checked myself out in the mirror. Same electric blue eyes back to normal, same tan face, and messy snow white hair. I took a black hairband from my wrist and strung it onto my hair, pulling it into a messy, but cute, bun. I swung my legs over the bed and stood up cautiously. Everything seemed to be okay. "Sleeping beauty is awake now I see", crackled an old and tired voice. The ancient nurse looked up from her book. She was old and fragile, wrinkly everywhere, and her gray hair was neatly piled up in a bun on top of her small head. She looked at me with kind, worried eyes, waiting for an answer. 

"Yeah finally woke up. What happened to me?" 

"Seems like you over stressed yourself, that's all. Happens all the time to you young teenagers these days around testing times." She replied sweetly. I got up out of the bed, swung my backpack over my shoulder and started for the door. 

"Oh and Luna?"  

I turned back around, "Yeah?" 

"Be careful. Okay?" I gave her a confused look, nodded my head and headed out to the courtyard of my school. Just as I hit the entrance to the court yard it had hit me that school was out, and I didn't have a ride home. I looked around for Lexi but she was nowhere to be found. I sat down on the nearest bench and whipped out my phone. Six missed calls from Lexi, psht it figures. Four new voice mails from my mom, probably wondering where the hell I am. I was just about to answer one of the bajillion texts from Lexi, when a red Ferrari pulled up in front of me. It purred to a halt as I gasped in awe. Who in the whole school was rich enough to have a Ferrari? The mystery rider rolled down the window and poked his head out of the dark car. 

"Need a lift?" I sat there in shock wondering just who this boy is. I guess I must have sat there too long staring at him because he said, "I was the one in the hallway. That brought you to the nurse? You blacked out before I could ask what was wrong. I'm Drake by the way." He sat there in his car waiting, watching for what I would do next.  

"I'm Luna." 

"I know." I gave him a questioning look. He must have sensed my look of surprise as he added, "it was on your World History folder. I figured that's who you were."  

"I've never seen you in school before today. Are you new here?" as he started to go off about moving from Colorado I noticed him. I mean really noticed him. The way his eyes lit up when he talked about his old house. The way they darkened when he retold his parent's story of why they had to move here to Seattle. The way his luscious black hair glinted in the sunlight, or the way his face softened when he talked about his first day here. I hadn't realized that he was waiting for my answer when he asked, "Uh, Luna is that a yes?"  

"Oh, um, sorry what did you ask again?" he laughed an adorable laugh and repeated his question. 

"Do you still want me to give you a ride home?" 

"Oh, you really don't have to. I can just call my mom to come get me." 

"Really it's no trouble at all - I insist." He smiled at me, and that sealed the deal. I walked to the passenger side of the car and sat in the leather seat. New car smell hit my nose as soon as I got in. 

"So where to?" he asked eyeing me out of the corner of his eyes, as he slowly pulled out of the parking lot. 

"1732 Cutler Street" I replied. We drove for about five minutes in silence, he turned on the radio and drummed his fingers on the wheel as a Green Day song came on. I stared out of the car window and watched as the perfectly sunny day started to accumulate black clouds. And fast. About two minutes later, he pulled into my driveway, hopped out of the car to open the passenger door for me. How sweet, I thought. It had started to rain so he pulled an umbrella from under my seat and opened it for us to walk to my door. When we got under the porch we were safe but wet.  

"Do you want to come inside and see if you can wait the storm out?" 

"No thanks, I better get going. My parents would be mad if I'm late for practice. Er, um, yeah practice I guess." He looked pale as soon as the words left his mouth. I wondered why, and just as I was about to ask what was wrong, the beast opened the door.

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