Chapter 3

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I groaned as I flipped the page in my History book to see 4 more questions. I had just finished my Math and Biology homework and I just had 4 more History questions to do then I was finished. As I was about to read the question my phone buzzed.

L3xi<3: hey girl hey!

I smiled as I read the text. Lexi liked to steal my phone and change her name every 2 weeks.

Me: hey girl! 

L3xi<3: so wher wer u? I cldnt find u aftr skool 2day.  

Me: im fne. Just got ovr stressed 

L3xi<3: ohhhh okay. btw whos Drake? hes yummy :}

I frowned. How did she know about Drake?

Me: idk i thnk hes new to skool. how do u kno him? 

L3xi<3: he was askin about u aftr skool.  

Me: he was teh guy i was tellin u about. teh 1 tht took me home 


I laughed hard at that text. Lexi always finds a way to make me laugh. We continued to text a bit more just about random school stuff then she said that she had to go for dinner and that she would see me tomorrow at school.

L3xi<3: oh and luna? 

Me: yesh? 

L3xi<3: b carful with him ok?


Me: wht do u mean? 

L3xi<3: gotta go! luv ya!!

I sighed. I'll ask her about it tomorrow. I finished up the rest of my homework and collasped on my bed. I plugged my Reece's Pieces headphones in and fell asleep to the same Green Day song that Drake and I heard in his car. I smiled and I thought about Drake. He was kinda cute, nice, and sweet. I just hope PPP doesn't swallow him up and take him away to her evil layer. I shuddered, geez, that would be awful. I continued to listen to music untill my mom called me for dinner. I trudged downstairs and was not at all surprised to see "IT" on the couch gorging away at the meatloaf my mom made. I gaged as I walked past him and into the kitchen. I set up two forks and knifes for my mom and I, while she served what was left of the meatloaf. Just as we sat down to start eating the doorbell rang. My mom and I both looked up in surprise. Who could that be? It was 9:30 on a school night.  

"LUNA!" the Thing yelled. "Door! NOW!" 

"I'm comming geez calm your balls."I muttered. I opened the door and was surprised to see Drake standing there with a grin plastered on his face. He was holding a lime green hoodie that had a small white pattern on it. The wind started to pick up and blew towards him. I could smell the Axe that he was wearing and it made me smile a loopy grin. When he saw my face he smirked and said, "You left this in my car. I thought you might want it back." I looked the hoodie up and down and shook my head, making some of my white hair fall around my face. "I don't own a green hoodie."  

He smiled and said, "I know. I needed an excuse to get your number." Whoa. This boy was new to the school and he was flirting with me? Out of all of the girls he could have picked, he picked me?I decided to play along, "And you couldn't have waited for tomorrow?" 

"I'm an impatient guy." He shrugged his sholders as he said that makeing more of the Axe that he was wearing waft towards me.  

"I can tell." 

"So can I get your number? Or was all of this for nothing." 

I smiled and held out my hand. "Nope. Let me put it in your phone." 

He smiled back and handed me his jacket to hold, while he dug his phone out of his pocket. He typed in my number as I recited it too him. When he had finished he ran his hand through his midnight hair and said, "Can I text you later?" A blush crept up to my cheeks and I replyed, "Yeah. You can." He smiled and ran back to his car waving. I watched him jump in the driver's seat as he drove away. I was instantly snapped back into reality when I heard my mom come up behind me. "Who's hoodie is that?" I looked down at the green hoodie in my hands. Crap! I forgot to give it back to him. I smiled at the memory of Drake, "Just a friend's"


"Dad? Daddy? Where are you?" A little voice called into the darkness. 

"Darling....please....don't come any closer. my little girl!" A pained voice shot out from my left. "Daddy!" The little voice screamed again. The voice I realised was mine. I was about 3 or 4. "Daddy no. Please daddy don't leave." My little voice started to sob and my shoulders started to shake hard as I collasped on the muddy floor. My little white night gown getting dirty in the process. My short white hair was dirty and it was falling around my dirt streaked face that was now wet with tears. "Come Luna. We have to leave this place." A deep yet familiar voice whispered in my ear. I started to sob louder and crawl towards the direction in which my dad's voice came in. I felt a hand on my sholder trying to comfort me and pull me back. But I just screamed and I started to claw at the person's hand. "Luna please stop struggling, you have to come with me. We'll be safe I promise you." 

"Im not leaving without my daddy!" I screamed back. 

"We have no choice Luna." The voiced replyed trying to calm me down. 

"NO! Not without my daddy!" I wirrled around to see Drake. I had to squint hard in the darkness. He looked like Drake, but it wasn't him. He looked older. Too old for the Drake that drove me home. His deep chocolate eyes were looking at me. Pleading me to come with him. His midnight hair was matted to his forehead and he was panting hard, but still trying to stay calm for me. He had a deep red gash over his left eye that was bleeding perfusely.  

"Who are you?" I asked suddenly calm. He took his hand of my shoulder and stood up to his full hight. I had to strectch my head back to look at his face. Completely hidden by the darkness except for his eyes he said, "I'm Daniel. Your father sent me to look after you. I'm your Gardien Angel." As soon as he stopped talking I heard a man scream. The scream came from my left and a voice inside my head whispered, "Luna, come to me. Come to your daddy." I grabbed my head and shook it as a blast of pain exploded from my head. Daniel looked at me and frowned. He tried to pick me up but I wouldn't let him. The pain hurt too much. I was thrashing around and he had to set me down or else he would have dropped me. I held my head and screamed. Could he not see that I was in pain? The voice in my head spoke again. "Luna, if you come to me the pain will stop. Come to me my little girl." Holding my head I got up from where Daniel set me down and started to move in the direction that the man screamed from before. Daniel tryed to stop me but I just swatted his hand away. He reached out to grab me again and I bit down on his hand, making him retract it. Before we both knew what was happening I took off running in the direction I heard the man screaming. I tripped over my nightgown and hit my head on a rock.  

Everything went black.

And I woke up screaming.


Sorry I havn't uploaded in a while. Ive been a little busy :p. Anywho, if your still reading this and waiting for me to upload then that is amazing. Im honestly surprised that 31 people are acually reading this LOL. i thought only like 5 poeple would be. ahah anyway, this is my christmas presant to all of you that are still reading it! merry christmas and happy new year! please comment on how im doing!

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