Chapter 1: Invitation

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Its been years... I finally became a last....

But... Why am I still short?!

I didn't even grew a inches for the past seven years!

Heck! Karma grew!


I ... don't know... about... Kayano.....

I walk into the classroom, filled with delinquents.

"Heh..Heh... Everyone take your seats! I'll be taking attendance" I said

"Hehhh... You done talking shortie? Because I'm annoyed by you every ... single ... day" Student #1 said

Annoyed... by me?

I pull my finger out and had the look of death

"What the! ... You... You're freaking me out!" Student #1 said and ran to his desk

"Hehe! Let's get started, shall we!" I said

"Tch!" Student #1 said

I love teaching...

It's all thanks to... Koro-Sensei ...

I gained a better understanding ... in being a teacher now... I want to... be just like him..

I walk toward the window and look at the grazed half destroyed moon.

"I hope you're watching me—us ... Koro-Sensei... I'm sure you're proud of us ...." I said

I go back to my desk and continue grading papers.

Then.. I heard a conversation from my students

"-whispers to student #3- Hey! Do you think Nagisa... ever had a girlfriend!" Student #2 said


They still call me by my first name ...

*sniff* I wish they called me sensei..

"-whispers to student #2- No way! Just look at him! No woman would date him! I bet if he dated a girl... That girl would just leave him immediately hahahaha!" Student #3 said

I look down


Class was finally dismissed and I had the whole class to myself

"Ahhhhhh!" I said

Just what I needed to be relaxed

It's been a day.. and I'm already feeling tired


I look at the distance of my class..

I have one student left..

I walk toward him

"Taizou-kun! Class was dismissed five minutes ago! Why are you still here!" I said

He completely ignored me, All he was doing was working on something

"Taizou-kun?" I said

I tapped him and that moment he almost slapped me, luckily I dodged it.

"UGH! You.. You shortie teacher! Just leave me alone! I'm trying to ... do something for her..." Taizou said

"Her?" I said

"You .. don't get... it.. I want to do something special for my girlfriend... You... You shortie.. just don't get it..." Taizou said

I widen my eyes

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