Chapter 5: Heartbroken

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Ughh.... I-It's time already?

I wore my shoes and jacket and brushed my teeth.

S-So... Today is the day I teach someone pointers for being a teacher!

And this .... time... It's a girl who won't mess around like... my other students ... ugh...

Hmm... 12 PM sharp is the time !

I opened the door and closed it and went to Yuzu door and knocked


Should I knock the door aga—

"Oh! N-Nagisa!" Yuzu said and smiled and opened the door

W-Wow... She's wearing a shirt ... and skirt... She must love matching her clothes haha...

"Y-You ready?" I said

"I'm ready when you are hehe!" Yuzu said

We walked and walked and talked

"Hey Yuzu..." I said

"Yes?" Yuzu said

"When you walk in the classroom... You always want to have a bright smile so the students knows your a good teacher!" I said

".... Haha.. I know!" Yuzu said

"Ah... We're here!" I said

".... P-Pudding cafe?" Yuzu said

"Yep haha!" I said

I opened the door for her and we sat down in our table.

"Okay... Since we are waiting for the maids to ask us what we want... How about I give you some tips?" I said

"S-Sure!.... But can I tell you something?" Yuzu said

"Y-Yea sure?" I said

"It's just... I don't eat junk foods... especially pudding... I'm trying to be vegan right now..." Yuzu said

"O-Oh! Well... that's okay ... I brought a salad just in case if I was hungry again..... Here!" I said

"U-Uh... Thanks...?" Yuzu said

"Okay... First tip is.. If you ever see a student in trouble... You always want to give them the best tips and best goals as possible near the future... then they will understand" I said

"Wow ... that's deep... but... that's a great tip!" Yuzu said

The maid came by and delivered my order.

"Wow... Chocolate pudding with vanilla! Now that's rare for me to see... Since I've been in Australia the longest..." Yuzu said

"Hahaha... I ... enjoyed eating pudding with someone else before ... that's why I eat this pudding... It's my favorite..." I said and looked down

Yuzu looked confused and grabbed my hand and smiled at me

"Don't look down! Enjoy yourself here in Paris and with your friends!" Yuzu said

I widen my eyes and bit blushed

"U-Uh ... Thanks Yuzu.." I said and smiled

We continued eating and chatting.

2 hour past...

"Okay one last tip .... If you keep a promise to your students .... you ... you should always keep that promise for your students... always fulfill that promise .... then one day... your students will save you ... and they graduate in peace hah... heh..." I said and looked down

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