part three

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Feli sat down on the couch, his back aching. He put his hand in his stomach, and let out a tiny sound of pain. He rubbed circles into his growing tummy.

  "Bambino," He whispered softly, "Papa is tired." The Italian wiped at his sore eyes. "Please, vati is coming home, and I can't look different." He tried to sit up, but the leather interior pulled him back in. He sighed, defeated, and he put his feet up on the coffee table.

  "Go away," He whispered miserably, "I can't walk." He slapped the stomach softly. The Italian looked at the clock, which rested on the shelf above the fireplace.

   "Five minutes... But I need to look lively." He let out a small, angry groan, and he let his head fall back.

   The week had been hell. His stomach was a constant pain, and then he felt dizzy. Sometimes he threw up, and blacked out on the bathroom floor.

   He was terrified; he didn't want to this child. But he couldn't be rid of it; it would he wrong...

... But the entire situation was wrong! He was wrong! The baby, what he did, what he wanted to do; all of it he was being judged for!

   The Italian looked at the TV, and tried to reach for the remote. His fingers outstretched as he tried to get it, but his stomach protested, jolting him back.

   He had to put on something English.... Or music. He also had to find a good excuse for wearing one of Ludwig's shirts.

   After two more tries, the tips of Feli's fingers grabbed hold of the remote. He pulled it along until he got a decent grasp, and let out a small, relieved laugh.

   Quickly, he switched to the DVD player, and felt happier when shrek three started playing.

  The Italian took another glance around, and felt pleased he had tidied. Ludwig would be proud of him, and maybe not ask too many questions.

  Suddenly, the front door opened, and Ludwig came in, holding his case. He looked aroung the hallway, and heard the TV playing in the living room. He gave small smile; it was nice to be home.

  He took of his coat and hung it up, putting his breifcase on the floor beside the door. He went into the living room, to find Feli enticed in the movie.

  "Hallo, liebe," He said, sitting next to him. Feli turned, and looked at him.

"Ciao, Luddy! How was your trip?" He asked, smilig widely. He moved to lean on Ludwig, and winced.

"Gut... Did you fall over earlier?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. Feli giggled, and nodded.

"Sí, I was cleaning," He explained, giving a sheepish smile.

  Ludwig smiled happily. "You cleaned? Well, danke... I don't have anything to do now," He thanked. His hand sneaked around Feli's shoulders.

  The Italian gulped. Ludwig wanted sex, didn't he? He couldn't have sex. He was with child. He didn't have the energy.

  Ludwig pressed his lips to Feli's head. "I missed you," He whispered, rubbing Feli's shoulder softly. "I thought about you every night, meine liebe." He chuckled softly.

  Feli looked at Ludwig. "A-are you hungry....? I don't feel like cooking, but we could... um..." Feli let out a small moan as Ludwig's lips pressed to his neck.

  Feli relaxed, and he tilted his head, eyes fluttering close. It felt so nice... It was the comfort he had been neglected all week. He melted into Ludwig's arm, which had moved to his waist, pulling him in closer.

  The German started to suck and nip Feli's neck, and he felt the smaller man shudder. He listened to the moans coming from the Italian's mouth.

  Feli felt himself being pushed down on the sofa, and he squeaked. He felt the baby kick in protest, and he had to hide the pain on his face.

  "S-stop..." He whispered, shaking his head. Ludwig looked at him.

"We can go on the bed." He stated, before kissing Feli on the lips. he felt Ludwig try to put the Italian's legs around his waist, and Feli kicked. He stomach was yelling in protest

  "Stop it!" He yelled, and gasped as Ludwig dropped him.

  "What's wrong?" He asked, looking at Feli. Feli closed his eyes, and shook his head. "It doesn't have to be like the other time, Feliciano. I didn't mean to be rough."

  Feli held in a broken laugh. He did mean to be rough; he had to be rough. It was how the potion was meant to make the German act. But Feli did regret it; now he was pregnant.

  That sounded so wrong in his head. Feli didn't want to be pregnant; he would of been happy with adopting. He wanted to adopt!

  Not be with child. It was another reason for him to be seen as weak. He was sick of seeming weak. Ludwig thought he was weak.

  Hell, he knew he was weak! But he wanted to have more than one thing that made him feel like a man. Now he was pregnant, the only he had was his penis... And what use was that?!?

  "I don't want it, Ludwig. At all." He said defiantly. Ludwig looked at him, slightly hurt.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." He said, before turning to leave the room. Feli grabbed Ludwig's arm.

   "Non, don't leave me!" He exclaimed. Ludwig frowned.

"Nein... I'm going to go and sort out my office." He said, shrugging Feli's hand off.

  The Italian looked at the German's back desperately. "Please!" He exclaimed. He felt tears fall down his face. "Ludwig... I just don't want it..." He said. Ludwig turned back, and hesitated.

   He wasn't too sure what to do.

"It's okay, Feliciano." He said softly. "I'm sorry that I assumed..." He looked at Feli.

  He seemed pale, and tired. The Italian's eyes looked sore, and they had lost their happy glow. He frowned, and put his hand on Feli's head.

  "Are you okay...?" He asked. Feli whacked away Ludwig's hand. "You look ill... You don't seem to have a temperature." He tilted his head curiously.

  Feli laughed. "I'm fine..." He groaned as Ludwig out his hand back on his forehead. "I'm fine, Ludwig!" He yelled.

  Ludwig recoiled his hand, and sighed. "It's nice to see you, too, after a week. I'm going to my office." He said stiffly, and he walked out.

  Feli lioked as Ludwig left, and he let out a sob. "Go away," He whispered, "Get out of me." He punched his stomach, and let out a cry of pain when it kicked in protest.

  He didn't want it. He wanted Ludwig to hold him, tell him it's okay. But the German wouldn't do that; he'd leave out of the front door.

  'I'm here.' Feli shook his head. He shivered slightly, and bit his lip. 'Feliciano, I'm here. The child will be good to you. Ludwig will be caring and kind.'

  Feli shook his head. "He won't, demon." He whispered. He felt something on his back. Gasping, he turned to face nothing.

  'He will. I always keep my promises.' The voice said, gentle and deep. Feli closed his eyes.

  "How long until it's out?"

  'Two months, at the least. I'm busy, my love. I can't see to it properly unless I'm undisturbed.'

  "O-okay." Feli hugged himself, and closed his eyes.

  'I'm caring for you, Feliciano.' The voice said, and then the pressure on his back stopped. Feli shook his head.

   "Leave me be, Alastair. I'm sorry I was rude. I'm sorry I didn't listen." He whispered, and it was almost inaudable.

   He wished that he listened to Ludwig.

   He wished he wasn't so stupid.

  He wished he hadn't been angry or drunk.

  He wished that Ludwig would just find out and get it over with.

  Alastair listened to these wishes, and made a kental note to make the last one happen very soon.

A/N: Comments and votes/loves appreciated.

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