Chapter 1

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"Chat!" Ladybug screamed as Chat Noir was hit with beam intended for her, but as usual he took the hit for her. "You stupid cat." She cried as he slowly started to fade from existence.

"What can I say m'lady but people do crazy things when they're in love." Chat gave her a cheshire grin as he faded from her tight embrace.

"Please I can't lose you, not again. Please Adrien don't leave me." She cried once more as he finally disappeared from her tight hold on him.

10 years earlier (present)

"Whoa that was a close one." Chat smirked as he barely dodge the akumatised villain attack.

"Quit playing around Chat and just distract Le Chapelier Fou, while Rena Rouge and I try to figure out what to do with the lucky charm." Ladybug called from her hiding place along side Rena Rouge, who just stared at the lucky charm which was an unpicker attached.

"Maybe you should throw it at him?" Rena Rouge suggested with a shrug.

"That's a thought but it's not that easy." Ladybug sighed as she looked around her surroundings, "ok I got it!" She exclaimed happily.

"Got what?" Rena Rouge questioned.

"I'll let you know in a minute." Ladybug told her.

As soon as Le Chapelier Fou was defeated and the akuma was caught, all were tired expect the Carapace who came late as 'something' kept him for helping out.

"Late as usual slow poke." Rena Rouge poked Carapace, forcing him to back away from her his hands defending himself from her pointed claws.

"Hey I said I was sorry." Carapace defended himself.

"Would you two quit fighting already?" Ladybug sighed as she watched the fox and turtle fight as usual, then rested her head on Chat's shoulder who was sitting next to her also watching their new partners bicker with each other.

"You two need to learn to work together if you want to have a bond like m'lady and I." Chat said as he rested his head on Ladybug's head. "Besides it been a long day and we needed to rest up, who knows when the nex-" Chat was suddenly cut-off as he disappeared, causing Ladybug to fall and hit the roof they were sitting on.

"Chat?!" Ladybug called but there was no answer.

"Where'd he go? Carapace questioned.

"Hey not so loud guys it's late and I'm tired." Chat said as he came out from behind them, only there was something different about him, he was taller and looked a lot older.

A/N: yea I don't want to talk about my other stories on here as I literally have no idea what to write, but I'll get back to them soon (maybe). In the mean time enjoy the prologue of My Lady and I, while I figure out what to do with my other stories.

A/N Update: So basically I'm just going to be rewriting this story as there are some mistakes I've made in it and I want to fix it.

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