Chapter Two

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I sat on the floor with my knees in front of me, face-palming myself. My brothers started to laugh at me. Cruz even fell of his chair in the dining room. They all laughed except for Harper.

"You're all dorks!" I said frowning. But a slite grin appeared on my face and they started laughing even more. Harper started to giggle and officially burst out with laughter, holding her stuffed elephant. I, also, started to laugh at myself but mostly because of Harper's cute face when she laughs. The way her cheeks chub when she smiles wide and the two missing front teeth in her mouth.

"Okay, enough! Moment's over lets get back to business." I said smiling, still sitting on the floor.

"What business? We don't have anything to do." Brooklyn said in between laughs. I rolled my eyes, still smiling.

Harper came galloping across the room and helped me up. I felt a slight pinch on my knee.

"Ouch!" I've never been one for pain really, it doesn't bother me. But this one does.

"What's wrong?" Brooklyn raised an eyebrow.

"I think I hurt my knee." He came walking to my side. Brooklyn and I may fight but there's one thing we will always do and that's caring for each other. He makes me lose my brains sometimes but he's still my brother and I love him.

I didnt bother looking at my knee. I knew it would probably be a scar or something. Brooklyn finally made his way across the line that separated the dining room and the door entrance, where I was sitting.

"That looks bad Luna."

"It's nothing, its just a simple bruise."

Soon my curious brothers came to stand around me and everyone just stared at my knee.

"Guys, c'mon! It's just a simple bruise."

"I think you should see a doctor." Romeo implied.

"Luna, that's not a simple bruise. Look how the thing is swelled up!" A concerned expression appeared on Brooklyn's face.

"Did you just compared my knee to a thing?" I raised an eyebrow at Brooklyn. He just rolled his eyes and folded his arms.

"It looks funny. Look, its like totally out of proportion." Cruz said giggling.

Brooklyn turned his head to Cruz in confusion. "What do you mean by that?"

"Come stand here and see yourself." He said shrugging. Cruz made a space between him and Romeo so that Brooklyn can fit in. As soon as Brooklyn completed his change of movement, he turned and looked at my knee. His face dropped.

"What? What is it?" I said worrilly. Fear struck through my spine. Brooklyn never worries, and when he does, you should be worried too.

"Get out with it already!"

" broke?."

"What?! No! It can't be broken stop pulling pranks on me this isn't funny I-" I couldn't get another word out my mouth as I turned to face my knee. It went blank in front of me and I fell asleep.

"Luna? Luna! Luna wake up!" I heard Brooklyn's voice fade. Soon I couldn't hear a thing he said.


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