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Kiara's pov
"Why are we going again?"I asked my bestfriend Julina while applying some mascara

"Becauseee I met up with my friend from middle school Klay and he gave us ticket for the tonight game"she responded

"But do I really need too go?"I whined while finishing my look

"Yeees I don't wanna go alone! And you can catch a lil bit of that curry D"she say finishing the last sentence smirking

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"Yeees I don't wanna go alone! And you can catch a lil bit of that curry D"she say finishing the last sentence smirking

"Oh my god you're disgusting and fine"I say while crossing my arms

"I'm ready!! And why are you dressed so casually"she ask while dragging me out the door

"Bitch it's just a game"I say while going into the car

"Oh my god they are picking people out for the team game"she squealed
Klay pointed to her as she go letting me alone I turn around and saw Stephen curry pointing at me
I turned around looking who he was pointing at and turned around looking at him pointing at myself
As he chuckled and nodded yes

I got to the stadium  and toke a place beside him
"Hey What's you're name?"he asked while pulling me into a side hug

"Kiara"I said while they handed me a ball

"Nice too meet you Kiera I'm Stephen "he say while smiling

"Okay teams we will start by some horse game"the announcer say while me and the others that where choosed began too play

Thanks too my brother I grew up playing basket ball so I eventually won

"Damn"Stephen say while walking toward me

"You didn't know I got game huh"I say while laughing

We high fived while the announcers escorted the members of the public too theirs seat

And warriors win 138-124
Stephen did his little thing pointing he's finger to the sky and looked at me winking he then got his daughter and kissed her cheek

"Did you like th game?"Julina ask as we search for her dear Klay

"Yea it was cool"I say while smiling remembering the man with

"Good because where going at the practice tommorow"she respond while I shrugged

We walked too somewhere but there was a moment when I felt like Julina wasn't with me anymore I turned around and I was right I just continued too walk and find an exit door when I heard a light voice crying

I turned around and saw a little girl with the same eyes that I saw earlier

I got to her high and hugged her "now now why is a pretty girl like you crying"I say as I toke a Kleenex from my purse and begun too dry her tears

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I got to her high and hugged her "now now why is a pretty girl like you crying"I say as I toke a Kleenex from my purse and begun too dry her tears

"I.I wost my daddy!"she say while crying hugging me tighter

"Don't worry will find him do you know you're daddy's number?"I ask while getting my phone out of my jean pocket

She nods while I insert the number she was saying on my phone
I handed her the phone and by the second ring he picked up

"Dada I wost you!this nice lady gave me her phone to cawl you"she say sobbing a little bit

I heard <<can you ask her name princess>>

"What your name"she ask while putting her head on my shoulder

"My name is kiara"I sayd while smiling too her

"Her name is kiawa"she say while I I shakes my head laughing

"My dada say too go to weft and their is a door "she says while I toke her hand and opened the door we saw the team and Julina laughing

Stephen walk too us with a worried expression and toke Riley in his arms

"Are you okay princess"he asked while kissing her forehead

"Yes kiawa made sure I was ok and gave me a lollipop!!"she ask taking the lollipop out of her backpack

"Wow did you say thanks too kiawa? "He ask smirking while looking at me

"Thanks kiawa"she say while hugging my leg

"No problem pretty girl"I say while I sat other Julina

"Wait a minute Kiara Perez?"Seth asked me while I nodded

"We where together in middle school with Stephen"he say Stephen looked up from his phone
"Oh i know you guys where my bestfriend"I say

"You always would take my brownies"Stephen say while laughing

"Well Stephen you would always put that brownie in you're lunch bag for her"Seth say while smirking as Stephen blushes

"So where do you come from kiara"dray asked

"Mom is Colombian and dad Porto rican"I say while playing with my finger

I felt a light thing coming in my lap as I saw Riley sitting in my lap playing with my curly hair

"You are really pwetty "she say while looking into my blue eyes

"Not as pretty as you"I say tickling her as she began too laugh as Stephen watched us in a smile

"Well we need too go"I say looking at my watch as I got up

"Noooo"Riley said tears forming in her eyes
"Don't worry pretty girl will see each other soon"I say hugging her

"See you guys at practice tommorow "Klay say hugging us
He was like a brother too me I hugged everyone and stopped at Stephen "thanks for Riley kiara"he said while hugging me I nod and smiled I waved
And got out of the stadium with Julina

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