The Concert

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I woke up early the next morning and listened for any sign that my dad was awake. I heard him snoring so I grabbed my bag and snuck downstairs to the door. "Where do you think you're going, you ugly bitch?" my dad asked me. "For a walk..." I replied quietly, keeping my head down. "With a duffel bag packed full of clothes? I don't think so." He sneered, grabbing my bag and going through it. "Off to a concert, are you? Got yourself a pity ticket because you're so ugly they thought something was wrong with you?" he smirked. I bit my tongue to keep from crying as he insulted me. He dropped my duffel bag and laughed as he walked away. I waited until he was back in the living room and noticed that he didn't close the door. I smiled to myself as I grabbed my bag and slipped out the door quietly. I walked quickly and quietly to the end of the driveway, then turned and looked back. I didn't see him coming so I smiled, flipped the house off, and started running. I ran into town and slowed down to a walk, hailing a cab. "Airport please." I say and the cab driver nods. An hour later, I'm handing the clerk my ticket and boarding the plane, on my way to Los Angeles, California. Once I'm in my seat on the plane, I lean my head against the window and stare out, then check the time on my phone. It's 10:30, so the plane should be leaving any minute now. Yup, I see the flight attendant now going over all of the procedures. Finally we are taking off, One Direction here I come.

Four Hours Later

"Please exit to the right of the plane and enjoy this wonderful, sunny day here in Los Angeles, California." the cheerful flight attendant says over the speaker and I stand up to stretch, grabbing my carry on. Time to go be treated like a princess for the day. I exit the plane and go to baggage claim to grab my stuff. I grab my small blue duffel bag off of the conveyor belt and look around for a sign with my name on it. I see the sign that is all decorated with swirls and my name among other things. I walk over and greet them with a smile. "Are you Miss Aria Carter?" the sign holder asks. "Yes I am. And before you ask me to prove it, my full name is Aria Claire Carter, my favorite color is grey, and my favorite member of One Direction is Zayn. I just stepped off of a plane from New York and you are here to pick my up in a limo to bring me to a hotel so I can get ready for my V.I.P seat at the One Direction concert tonight." I say with a smile on my face. The man looks shocked as he looks down at his paper. "You really are Aria. You just answered every single question on my paper correctly, plus more." he smiles as he takes my bags. "Okay Ms. Carter, shall we go to your waiting limo?" He asks. I smile and nod, letting him lead me by the crook of my elbow through the crowded terminal. We step outside, the drivers hand covering my eyes so I couldn't see the limo. When he removed his hand, I clapped mine over my mouth as I gasped loudly. "Excuse my language, but holy fuck!!" I exclaim, causing the driver to laugh loudly. "I'm sorry, but I did not expect this! And I don't have to pay for any of this, correct?" I ask, still not believing it. "No, you have to pay for all of it. Did you not read the fine print?" he asked solemnly. I gasp, willing myself not to cry. "I knew it was too good to be true. I don't have the money for all of this, I better go home now before I rack up more expenses." I mutter, and the driver looks at me. "Sweetheart, I was kidding." he says. "Oh. In that case..." I trail off as the smile comes back to my face and I run towards the limo, jumping through the open door into the air conditioning. I looked around and noticed a bottle of faux champagne, a glass, and some of my favorite candies. "Eekkkk!!" I squealed loudly, grabbing a couple Hershey kisses, and pouring myself a glass of faux champagne. I laugh as I feel the bubbles sizzle down my throat. I pull out my phone and check the time: 2:30. The concert starts at 7, and the meet and greet is after, which means I get four and a half hours to get settled in and get ready.

At The Hotel

So I did the math in the car on the way here. It took half an hour to get here, so I can have approximately thirty minutes to get settled in, then I need to get food, so another thirty minutes, which leaves me with 3 hours to get ready, technically two because I need an hour to shower and shave and stuff. So I get two hours to get dressed, do my hair, and do my makeup. I should be able to accomplish that. Hopefully. I walk upstairs to my room, pushing my card into the slot on the door, and pushing my door open. "Holy shit." I mutter when I see my room. It has a huge king size bed, a living room, a full kitchen, a big bathroom, a hot tub, and a jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. I set my stuff down on the couch and kick back, relaxing on the what I just found out is a water bed. "I could get used to this." I say the myself, flicking through the hundreds of channels on the tv. One episode of Pretty Little Liars later, I check the time and see that 30 minutes has passed, which, according to my mental schedule, means I have to go get food. I grab my bag, wallet, room key, and phone, and close the room door. I take the elevator down to the lobby and quickly survey it, then stride over to the McDonalds. I order A small fry and take it back up to my room, lounging on my couch to eat in front of the tv, something I haven't been able to do in I don't know how long. Once I'm done eating, I stand up and go to the bathroom, striping my clothes off and turning to water on. I shower and shave, taking a whole hour and still having hot water left over. I wrap my hair in a towel and wrap my body in one also, then walk back out and get out my out that I already picked out, my long sleeved Malik jersey, my jeans, and my boots. I put on a bra and matching underwear, then slide on the jeans and boots so I could break them in. I grabbed my hairbrush and brushed through my long, light brown hair, yanking it through the snarls. I walk back to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth, brushing them for about 4 minutes so they could be extra white for the concert. I put on a teeth whitening strip and one of my black head remover strips, then wait the 2 minutes for each of them. I take them off, rinsing my mouth for the whitening strip and wash my face, getting rid of any old makeup. I then blow dry my hair and straighten it, pulling my jersey on over my head with a white tank top underneath. I grab my makeup bag and plug my phone in, rushing to the bathroom when I see that it is 6:30. I put on my foundation, and light makeup, including nude eyeshadow and clear lipgloss, then slide everything into my bag and check the time. 6:55. I quickly grab my wallet and ticket, feeling my palms get sweaty from nervousness as I walk quickly to the waiting limo. I get in and we drive to the venue.

At The Venue

I step out of the limo, bid the driver goodbye, and look up at the building. I smile to myself and pull out my ticket as I slide my V.I.P pass over my head. I step inside, flashing my badge and handing the collector lady my ticket, gazing in awe at everything. "Are you Aria Carter?" a lady in white with a headset asks me. I nod and she thrusts a t shirt into my hands. "Here is your shirt signed by all of the boys. Enjoy the concert!" she exclaims and scurries off. I slide the shirt in my bag, looking around. I turn around to see who came in behind me and shake my head, blinking rapidly. This CANNOT be happening. He can't be here, no way. My night is about to be ruined. "ARIA CLAIRE CARTER! I TOLD YOU NOT TO LEAVE THE HOUSE YOU FUCKING SLUT! GET YOUR FAT ASS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW! DONT MAKE ME MAKE A SCENE!" my father yells across the room. Fuck my life...

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