The dandelion

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You might just think that this plant is a weed right? Well guess again! This plant is actually edible, and can be used for a variety of different things. They can be fried with cornmeal and butter just like squash, or even made into dandelion jelly.( which is really good by the way 😊)

The leaves are also edible and can be used just like lettuce to make a salad. Just don't eat the stem though because it is bitter due to the plant juices that are inside. ( It won't harm you though if you do eat the stem just don't because you will regret the bitter taste that is now in your mouth. Trust me, I did it once and it tasted horrible.)

To harvest these flowers just simply pluck them off the stem by removing the flower head off the stem, pop them off gently using two of your fingers to do so.  Wash before use to get rid of any creepy crawlys that might be hiding inside.

* the above picture is of real dandelions and was taken out of my backyard where they are most commonly found.

A/N : I will publish more chapters on different herbs and how to use them , harvest them, ect. Just so you know. 😊

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