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Chapter 4 

I walked out to the open area on the third floor where many of my employees spend their time working. I came up with the idea when I saw how big the windows and how free the space seemed. 

I wanted a place for my employees to work and feel like they could relax at the same time. I made sure to keep the atmosphere in the third floor always on top with serval sections and rooms for different settings and working purposes. The interior was light and in happy colors. A personal favorite part of the floor is the whiteboard wall right next the elevators where I let my employees write and paint whatever they want. There is something new on there almost everyday. Usually they write motivating quotes. 

When I stay late at work I sometimes go to the third floor for a break just to visit the whiteboard wall. It motivates and entertains me.

All the different departments meet in on the third floor and I believe it helps my business grow in a healthy and creative way. 

One thing I do to keep the anxiety away from that floor is that I never visit the place during work hours to not put my employees under pressure but the social media department wanted to have the meeting in one of the rooms on the third floor,  my employees rarely ever see me on that floor. 

Some female employees froze when they saw me and I gave them a quick nod as a greeting, avoiding their gazes. I couldn't look them into their eyes.

I thought back to what the females said about me in the hallway earlier and I looked back to the group of females who were sitting on the couches. I gave them a smile and quickly made my way to the meeting room.


Nico was walking around my office room, I told him about the meeting with Diana and since then he looked nervous. 

"It's okay, I'm talking to you as a friend not as your CEO. Be honest" I said rising from my seat.

Nico stopped talking, he let out a deep sigh "You're scared of women" he stated. No wonder he was so nervous. He thought I'd take it in a bad way.

"I'm not scared of women" I denied and scratched the back of my head "I'm just not good with women" I clarified.

"Well then, you're not good with women" my greek secretary said "how are you supposed to go on a date with her when you behave like a cold robot around the female species?" Nico questioned.

Maybe I shouldn't let him talk to me like a friend but he was a friend. 

"I don't know that's why I'm talking about this with you" I said annoyed. I didn't like this lack of control.

Nico shrugged "you need to try, I think that's enough. If you want you can even tell her about it or you could pretend that she is a dude"

Pretend that she is a dude?

That might actually work.


It's time. I waited in my car in front of the huge gate that leads to Benjamin's huge estate. After buzzing the gate opened and I drove the rather long drive way to the front entrance. 

I never been to Benny's home but I heard from my uncle that Benny worked years to save up the money for that estate which he and his deceased wife build together. Uncle also told me that Benny had hoped that Diana will stay in the estate even after marriage.

I felt slightly uncomfortable of that thought. I rather have us live in an apartment on our own close to the company. An apartment like mine right now. 

It's big enough.

I shook my head. I haven't even met the the woman yet and I'm already making plans.

I mean dude. I'm supposed to treat her like a man. I reminded myself

I felt incredible nervous. I looked quick in the side mirror and saw that my hair looked presentable. Then I patted my black Armani suit into place and finally made my way to the front door.

A maid opened the door for me and let me in. "Welcome, I'm Brigitta" the maid held up her hand as a greeting, I took it "I'm Malcolm Watter" I introduced myself with a smile to the middle aged lady. 

"Miss Diana is just taking care of her fathers medication, she'll be down in a minute, please take a seat" I nodded and sat down on the couch right in front of the big stairs that lead to the second floor. 

Not long after Brigitta left I heard footsteps and I stood up. 

It was Benny.

"Malcolm son!" He greeted with his sincere smile, I returned the smile with the same sincereness. Benjamin eyed my outfit and gave it an approving nod "looking good. I'm sure my daughter will be impressed. She'll be down in a minute"

"She is already here" I heard a melodic laugh from the female voice that spoke and I looked over the old mans shoulder and saw the most beautiful female creature.

Treat her like a dude?

What dude?

I only see a goddess.

My throat became dry, I coughed a little awkwardly and looked at Benjamin who undestood and immediately took over.

"There you are Diana" He took her hand and placed in mine, her touch was cold and I felt my heart flutter by her light hand "This is Malcolm Watter who I see as my own son" Benny gave me a fatherly smile. "Malcolm, this is my one and only daughter, Diana" Should we shake hands? Do we keep holding hands? Am I supposed to hug her? What is appropriate.

I did what I do best. I did what would be polite.

"Nice to meet you Diana" I gave her a smile but avoided her eyes. 

"And I, you" Diana laughed slightly, she seemed just as nervous as I was. 

Benjamin took a step back. "I leave you two children alone. I hope your date will be enjoyable" Benny gave us an encouraging smile and left before we really got a chance to say anything. 

I looked at Diana who still had her hand on mine. I slowly took my hand away. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Are you ready to leave Miss?" I asked politely. 

"Call me Diana please" she said and then realised that she sounded cold and tried to give a smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes like her previous smiles and I immediately felt a withdrawal, I wanted to see her bright like before.

"I'm ready, let's go" she started walking to the front door. That's when I noticed what she was wearing.

We matched. She was wearing a bodyhugging black dress that reached just down her knees. With a modest neckline which I liked. She was actually showing very little skin which I appreciated. That said much about her personality but then I remembered what her father has said about her trauma which explained her wardrobe choice and I decided to keep a distance. 

Her long dark hair was free around her shoulders in perfect curls. Her necklace was blinding a gold necklace with rubies that matched her tanned skin very well. 

Diana was serval shades darker that her father and it made her shine. She looked truly beautiful.

How am I survive this evening if I can't behave normally around her?

The dude method failed before I could even try.

For a second I debated if I should as Nico for help but I remembers the tip he gave me.

I needed to try.

Published it without proofreading but I'm sure it's readable. 

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