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2009 ; 8 years old

"Da-d-daddy I...I will miss y-you s-s-o much daddy. I will love you always and f-forever" Arabella manages to speak out before collapsing into her Auntie Janet's arms as she sobs.

The family then gave thanks to the people that has attended the funeral before walking down to Michael's casket, to say their goodbyes.

"Are you there daddy?" Arabella whispers as she struggled to see her father's body in the casket "Oh there you are" She giggles slightly with tears still running down her cheeks as she stood on her tiptoes, her small hands gripping on the sides of the casket.

"Please always be by my side daddy, I will miss you. I hope to see you soon. I love you very much daddy"

are you there? (father MJ)Where stories live. Discover now