Chapter 13 - Bringing Corbin Home

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Selina's P.O.V.

I was in the planes dining room, looking out the window checking out the morning sky. It's been a few days now since Bumblebee was sent to the Cybertronian Underworld by Ben. I've tried not to think about it, but I can never get that thought out of my head. I took Bumblebees advice and stood strong. Normally I'd tear up right on the spot if I ever heard his name of even thought about him but I've managed to calm down. I heard footsteps behind me so I turned and faced Emanuel.

Selina: What's up Emanuel?

Emanuel: I brought you some ice cream. It's blueberry, your favourite. Have some.

Selina: Oh, thanks Emanuel.

He handed me the ice cream cup and a small spoon and we both digged in.

Selina: So what's up?

Emanuel: David and Madalyn wants us all to come to the living room. Corbin has got some information on Chaos Bringer.


Madalyn: He's teleporting?

We were all either standing or sitting in the living eating ice cream while Corbin told us his info.

Corbin: Yeah, Chaos Bringer has this teleporter that the Cybertronians say its somekind of bridge or something. It's a circle and its either blue and green or black and purple.

Optimus: That Corbin is called a Space Bridge. It's a device that allows us to travel anywhere in space. Chaos Bringer must be using it to travel to Earth from Megatrons location.

Corbin: Its hard to believe but that's how he appears out of nowhere wherever you guys go.

Najat: Oh! So its not magic then.

Iestyn: I see, so he must be using a application of Cybertronian technology mixed the matter transporter tech my grandfather invented.

Madalyn: Corbin, is that how you and Zach found us in Transformers Valley? And how Shannon as well?

Corbin: No Chaos Bringer would just tell us where to go. But it worked out great for me because I got to meet my hero David!

David was sitting on the seat of the couch next to him. He crossed his arms and frowned slightly.

David: I am not a hero.

Iestyn and Najat laughed at the scene almost dropping their ice cream.

Madalyn: Did you get a chance to see who Chaos Bringer really is? Behind the mask I mean.

Corbin: No, he always had it on so never saw his face.


Ben's P.O.V.

Me, Shannon, and Robert were waiting in the dining room at our little mansion. I was drinking some coffee, Shannon was filing her nails, and Robert was pacing impatiently around the room. Chaos Bringer said he'd meet us here this morning but he's running late.

Robert: What does Chaos Bringer take us for? A couple of chumps?

Ben: Calm down Robert he'll be here.

Robert: Aren't you angry? First Zach, and now Corbin! And now were just waiting for Chaos Bringer to show up! Those two are nothing but traitors! We should get them back for what they did!

Shannon: We don't need Zach and Corbin on our side. What's done is done. Just let it go.

Robert: Ah, I'm telling you I'm going to lose it if Chaos Bringer doesn't get here soon.

Ben: Perhaps you should learn to control your temper, relax.

As I took one more sip of my coffee a black and purple space bridge portal appeared at the other side of the room.

Ben: Well, well, here he is now.

Chaos Bringer emerged from the portal with a small frown on his face.

Chaos Bringer: Megatron says he is not happy with the way things are going at the moment.

Robert: What?! Well I got a few words for him!

Shannon: Easy! What Robert means is that we need to come up with a new strategy.

I placed the cup of coffee on the table and stood up from the seat, facing my three partners.

Ben: I have an idea that just might work. It involves a certain new Transformer I picked up.


Madalyn's P.O.V.

A half an hour later the plane was flying over a savannah in western Africa.

Corbin: Welcome to my home land guys! This is Kenya!

We looked out the window to see Zebras, Lions, Elephants, all kinds.

Najat: Wow! Look at all the animals! I've never seen them in real life before!

Madalyn: That is so cool, its like a safari park down there!

Emanuel: You see them Predaking?

Predaking: Could this be true? If I wasn't seeing this for myself, I would have never realized that there are creatures just like the Predacons in your world.

Emanuel: Except for the whole transforming into robots part.

Selina: I wish Bumblebee was here so he could see this.


A few minutes later we were outside Kenya's capital city, Nairobi. Kato landed the plane just outside the city in a valley near downtown.

Madalyn: Well your home now Corbin. If Chaos Bringer or anyone else tries to contact you, let us know ok?

Corbin: Sure. I'll let you know and keep in touch. You can count on it!

David: Good. Thanks for the intel Corbin.

Corbin: No problem! As the very first student of yours, it was an houner! See ya!

We all watched as Corbin waved goodbye and took off towards the city.

Madalyn: Ha, ha, ha! First student? You agreed to that?

David: As long as he can help us thats all that matters.

Iestyn: Hold on, remember what Corbin said? Chaos Bringer could show up whenever and wherever we are.

Najat: Its Web Master Mia. She tells him where we are! She's been tracking our every moves!

Madalyn: Then maybe we could use that to our advantage. If any of Chaos Bringers monkeys show up, we can show them what life is like out of the cage. All we have to do is be the bait of the trap to bring them in. Ain't that right Emanuel?

Emanuel: Huh? Uh, yeah....

Iestyn: I forgot! You two haven't made up have you?

Madalyn: Um, anyways great plan right Selina?

Selina said nothing in reply. A sad expression rested on her face as her eyes glanced down at the ground.

Madalyn: Guys?

Najat: Boy Selina sure has been feeling down.

Madalyn: Uh what I meant was, we don't have to wait around for things to happen you know? If we could break Chaos Bringers grip on the other Transformers players, we could beat him.

???: That will never happen!

We all looked up to see three cloaked figures standing on top of the plane. Each cloak was black but each had their own highlights. One was purple, one was dark green, and one was orange. Judging by the voice, I immediately knew who they were. Ben, Robert, and Shannon.

"Your last chance
Last summer
Your last dance
Beat to your own drummer."

Madalyn: Ha! Surprise, surprise, you found us.

Iestyn: But how? We never mentioned anything in our chat room about bringing Corbin back home to Kenya.

David: They knew that Corbin betrayed them, so they must have figured that we'd take him home to safety.

Ben: It doesn't matter how we got here, we came here for a battle and that's what we intend to do!

The three of them removed their cloaks and jumped down from the plane. The three of them wore their battle clothing and they each had their own T-Launchers. Shannon had the Decepticon insignia, Ben had the Insecticon insignia, and Robert had the Predacon insignia.

Shannon: Right. So how about we battle three on three?

Madalyn: Sure! Lets do it!

Selina: That sounds good to me! I want my revenge! Remember how Ben took Bumblebee from me?!

Robert: I want to battle you. I'll make sure things don't turn out like last time.

Robert pointed at Emanuel who stood just behind me and Selina. He stepped forward and got in line with us.

Emanuel: Your on!

Me, Emanuel, and Selina brought out our T-Launchers and attached them to our arms and installed our tablets into them.

"Go out fighting
Go out young
A flash of lightning
Eclipse the sun."

Najat: I don't like this. Those three aren't working together.

Iestyn: I know.

David: Guys wait! Think about what your about to--

Madalyn & Selina & Emanuel & Ben & Shannon & Robert: Ground Bridge! Open!

We activated our tablets and a flash of white light surrounded the six of us. The Autobot, Predacon, Decepticon, and Insecticon insignias circled around our feet as the white light glowed brighter and brighter and froze time.

"Brace yourself."

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