Chapter 22 - Getting More Complicated & Then Some

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Emanuel's P.O.V.

I was standing on a cliff, Chaos Bringer was just merly a few feet away from me. I was all alone in the night. The light from the moon flashed down on us. 

Emanuel: I don't want to battle you Chaos Bringer! I don't even play this game anymore!

He justed smiled and started walking towards me.

Emanuel: Just leave me alone will ya?! I mean it!

As he walked closer and closer, I began backing away myself. Finally he stopped, and the doom portal appeared behind him. The rush of wind from the portal tried to suck me in, but I dug my heels into the dirt, trying my best not to give in. Then in a flash before my eyes, I saw Predaking being sucked through the portal. He screamed out as he fell through, calling my name as the portal closed.

Emanuel: PREDAKING!!!


I opened my eyes and sat up in my bed. I heavily breathed in and out, sweat was streaking down the side of my face as my heart rate accelerated. 

Predaking: Are you alright Emanuel?

I looked over to see Predaking's hologram resting on a small blanket I got for him. He transformed into his robot mode and looked up at me. 

Emanuel: I'm fine. I just had this insane nightmare where I was with Chaos Bringer, and I watched you go through the doom portal and I couldn't do anything to save you. 

Predaking: That must have been some nightmare.


Zach's P.O.V.

Three game cards remained. My Rumble and Frenzy were each standing on two of them. Rumble was safe in his Minicon Safe Zone ability. Chaos Bringer fired Soundwave into the battlefield, landing on Frenzys game card. He glowed out of his card form and transformed into his robot mode.

Chaos Bringer: This is the end. 

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave attack level 4500. Minicon Frenzy attack level 3200.

Rumble: Boss we're in trouble! What do you think we should do now?

Zach: Game card open! Quick Sand!

As I activated the game card. Soundwave punched Frenzy into the air and right through the doom portal. Once the portal closed, Soundwave began sinking into the quick sand. I smirked at Chaos Bringer as I readjusted my baseball cap.

Zach: Ha, ha, ha, ha, you think you got me beat? Think again! Minicons Combine!

I fired in Buzzsaw into the battlefield landing on the Quick Sand game card. His cassette tape glowed out of the card and he transformed into his falcon mode. 

Zach: Ability card activate! Swift Change!

I slammed the ability card into the ground, and a streak of energon rushed through the floor, surrounding the game card with a forcefield and shifting the card to another part of the battlefield. It moved over next to Rumbles game card and the Minicon jumped onto it joining Buzzsaws side. 

Tablet: Decepticon Soundwave decreased to 4000 attack points. Minicons Rumble and Buzzsaw combined attack level 6800.

Zach: Okay go get him boys!

Chaos Bringer: Ability card activate! Energon Revenge!

Chaos Bringer tossed the card into the air, and the two Minicons were locked up ina dark energon spiral, zapping them with the dark matter and infecting their bodies.

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