We often think that through certain circumstances that we got ourselves out of certain things or we don't thank God for doing things for us. We sometimes take God's grace for granted.
Hebrews 4:16 - Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
God is always there to help us no matter what we are going through all we need to do is call upon Him. He has always been there but we sometimes forget that. We go through so much daily that we tend to forget to thank God but that should always be the main priority. Gods mercy has kept us throughout certain things that we didn't even know were going on or going to happen. But Gods grace has limits and we should never take it for granted. God has brought us a mighty long way and at times we just don't even know what to do in order to thank God. Praise Him. Thank Him for all that He has done in our lives. He has been so faithful to us, He forgives us no matter what we do. His love is everlasting. It is amazing, and there is honestly nothing like it. Gods Grace is everything that we need.
Remember to keep God first in everything you do and have a blessed day.
Christian Life
SpiritualSometimes we may wonder "Why did God put us in this position" but just know that it is all for the better. God does everything for a reason so just know whatever trial you're going through God's getting ready to bring you out.