While I was looking for my twin sister Sapphire some boys started to make fun of me. I then said to them it's obvious your looking attention which I can certainly not give you so excuse me. The guys then said to themselves who does she thinks she is? Ahah! I then said as I say my sister. Zoey!Zoey! She said. As she was approaching me a student placed their foot in the way and sapphire fell. While I was going to help her ,the girl who made her fall stood up and said oh my bad I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Claire Bloomfield and I run things around here.As I held my sister I then said well then Claire since you run things around here why don't you give me 10 laps. Everyone started saying oooo. I then said ooo shut up.! Claire then said what did you just say. I then said you heard me because I'm sure I didn't st st stutter. While she was about to slap me in my face I then said that would be the worst mistake you could ever make . She then acted as if she was fanning me away.So my sister then said come on she's not worth it.

Im My Own Boss
ChickLitThis story is about no one being able to push around or bully Zoey. She's over protective, very alerted, stays to herself and hate people on a different level.