Chapter 9

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Finally we shouted at 12:00am that morning and said to our each other happy birthday!!! Love you.. we tgen exchanged gifts she screamed and hugged me as I gave her her gift. Then she gave me my gift. Omg. I love it sis. It's what I always wanted I said.

 It's what I always wanted I said

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I was truly happy with my gift

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I was truly happy with my gift..
Well because it was our birthday we didn't go to school so later that day our dad and yourself baked cakes and had lots of fun. Then two twos the door bell rang when sapphire answered it she said to me it's for you zoey when I went to the door I saw that it was Rick. I then hugged him when he said happy birthday and I said thanks. He then gave me a gift but before I opened it I asked him you don't even know me that well so why did you buy me a gift and he said because probably your really special to me. I then blushed while opening the gift.

 I then blushed while opening the gift

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It was a drawing of myself.. I then hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. I then invited him in and we had a grand time. While I opened up the door for him to leave I told him thank you and closed the door. When I went upstairs my sister was their awaiting me on my bed and smiling. I then laughed and said what and used a pillow to hit her. After we started pillow fighting and then we started talking about Rick. I admitted to her that yes I kinda liked rick we tgen laid down and talked till we fell asleep

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