True Colors

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Chapter 34

True Colors

Mira was so bored.

The teen leaned her back against the wall and stared blankly at the group of people who talked in groups in front of her.

The last several days, she had been preparing herself to be bored at Jake's friend's party. But now, she had a sudden urge to jump off the roof. It was so boring!

Everywhere she turned, it was 'byzantine' this or 'Paganini' that. And if one more bitch with a nose ring glared at her, hell was going to break loose.

It wasn't as though Mira was uncultured or hated art; she just wasn't advanced in it at all. Before she met Jake, she had never really cared for classical music. And as for art; she was more of a 'doodle on the back of a math test' type.

Which is why she stood in a corner and reminded herself-many, many times- that Jake was her boyfriend and if he wanted her to meet his friends, then she would without complaint.

She had been at the party for about ninety minutes, and Jake had ditched her about eighty-seven minutes ago. She had just checked her watch and saw it was only 9:30 PM, two and a half hours till New Year. She had filled her time wandering around until people starting blowing cigarette smoke at her; the she had taken solace in a corner.

A small groan was hardly held back when she saw Jake heading toward her with a couple guys.

"Hey babe," he greeted cheerfully before kissing her cheek. "having a good time?"

"About as good as you'd expect." She answered sweetly. Jake smiled in return and turned to the two people with him.

"Babe, this is Bernard Kindell and Claude Marquart. They're in the symphony orchestra at Tread," he said while putting an arm around her waist. "Guys, this is Mira Pascal."

"It's nice to meet you." She said, holding out her hand. The two boys exchanged a glance before shaking her hand.

"Likewise," Bernard said. He was stocky, pale skinned, with short red hair.

"So," Claude cleared his throat. He had a tall, lanky figure with, much like Jake, a patch of hair on his chin. "Jake didn't tell us he was… expecting."

Claude and Bernard obnoxiously obvious stare at the swell under her black turtleneck was beginning to annoy her.

"Oh, it's not mine," Jake said quickly, and then he flashed his girlfriend another smile with his less-than-white teeth.

"Really?" Claude asked with a small snort. Mira smiled sweetly.

"Yep, fraid not." She replied.

"Whose is it?" Bernard asked bluntly.

Mira raised an eyebrow at their rudeness, and interrupted when Jake began to answer their question.

"Hmm…" she said, pretending to be thinking hard, "I'm still trying to figure that one out."

Jake's grip on her shoulder tightened as his friends gaped at her. She shrugged off his arm.

"Excuse me, I'm going to go to the bathroom." She said and walked right between the two boys, rolling her eyes and locking the bathroom door behind her.

Jake turned to his two friends and grinned sheepishly.

"She was kidding." Was all Jake said.

Mira grasped the edges of the porcelain sink and took a few deep cleansing breaths. What the hell was she doing here? She was tired of playing 'trophy girlfriend' for Jake.

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