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Chapter 55


"You've got to be kidding me!" Audrey exclaimed as she stared at furry creature sitting beside her estranged husband's legs. She had called her husband and asked him to come over so they could talk about the problems going on with their children.

She did not expect him to show up with a dog.

"Come on, she's exactly what this family needs!" Adam replied.

Audrey's blue eyes shifted from her husband to the dog. She had to admit that the animal was beautiful. She was a rusty colored Siberian Husky, with eyes so light blue they were almost white, and four dainty white paws.

"We can't give Mira a dog, she's having a baby!"

"Exactly!" Adam pointed to the dog dramatically. "And you know how scared she is about giving the baby up for adoption; she's going to need a friend. And what better friend than a dog?"

"No, absolutely not. I have enough problems without-"

"Mom?" Mira suddenly called from the top of the stairs, "have you seen my hairdryer?"

"It's under the sink," she called back.

The dog, hearing the other two women talking loudly, decided to join in and gave a few small barks.

"Was that a dog?" Mira asked. Audrey groaned. She wanted to get the dog out of the house before the kids could see it.

"Oh my god!" the pregnant teen squealed at the sight of the dog. She ran into the kitchen and knelt down beside the animal, not caring how hard it would be to stand back up. "Aren't you adorable?" she cooed. Her hands stroked the Siberian husky's fur eagerly.

"You like her, sweetie?" Adam asked, shooting his wife a smug smile. Audrey glared at him.

"She's precious! Why did you bring her?"

"She is a present for you," Audrey said bitterly. Mira stopped and looked up at her father with wide, childlike eyes.

"For me? She's for me?"

"You bet kiddo."

Mira looked down at the dog, and then back up at her father. She was clearly ecstatic, and that made Adam's face break into a large smile.

"She is about a year old, she knows how to shake, play dead, and speak," Adam continued. Audrey raised an eyebrow, impressed.

"Does she have a name?" Mira asked, holding her hand out. The dog lifted her right paw and placed it directly in her palm.

"Nope, that's for you to decide."

"Mira," Audrey cut in, "Are you sure you can handle a dog?"

"Well that's the beauty, Aud'," Adam said, "It's a dog for the entire family; I just thought Mira would like to name it."

Mira stared into the animal's beautiful eyes and tried to think of names. She knew Seth had a dog named Cujo, and she wanted to give this dog a similar name.

She smiled when she thought of the perfect name.

And that was how Carrie the Siberian husky got her name.

"So, you haven't been feeling any pain in the area?" Doctor Flox asked. Seth lay on the examination table, shirt pulled up, and the bandages off his stitched wound, revealing the scar.

"Not really," he answered.

"Good, good," the doctor wrote something down on his clipboard and turned to Carolyn, who was sitting in one of the uncomfortable metal chairs in the room. "And he has been taking the antibiotics?" he asked her. She nodded her head twice.

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