I'm Not Scared

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 "Are you sure you want to watch this? I've seen it before, I don't think you'll like it," Kageyama plucked the dvd case out of Hinata's hand.

"What you're you saying I can't handle it?" He raised an eyebrow.

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Kageyama smirked.

"We're watching it!" Hinata jumped up and grabbed the movie back from Kageyama. He bounced over to the TV and set up the dvd. "Go make the popcorn! Hurry!" Hinata said urgently.

"Calm down you spaz, I'm on it," Kageyama shuffled to the kitchen, his pajama pants dragging on the floor. Out in the other room he could hear Hinata jumping around. The microwave beeped at him and Kageyama looked for a big bowl. He had to search for a bit due to the fact that it was Hinata's house and he didn't know where they kept everything. It was just the two of them there tonight, Hinata's mom and sister were visiting a relative. Staying the night alone with his boyfriend actually made him a bit nervous. He was actually surprised that Hinata's mom let him stay over without an adult. Kageyama had to do a lot of convincing to get his parents to let him go but it was all worth it.

He eventually found the bowl and poured the popcorn in. M&Ms were also added to the bowl, just the way Hinata liked it. Kageyama made his way back into the living room where Hinata was excitedly waiting. "Finally! That took forever!," Hinata whined.

"Don't complain. At least I actually made it," he flopped down on the couch next to the redhead. HInata snuggled up next to him and started eating from the bowl. Kageyama pulled a blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around the two of them. The movie started and Hinata smiled. He watched as Tina is chased around a boiler room by someone. When Tina was grabbed Hinata jumped. Next to him Kageyama chuckled and Hinata glared at him. They both kept eating and watching.

Hinata put his head on Kageyama's shoulder and ate more popcorn. When Rod showed up and took Tina to bed Hinata's face went bright red. He stared down at his hands to avoid watching. The movie went on. At every scary part Hinata would bury his head into Kageyama's shoulder. Eventually Kageyama put his arm around Hinata and kissed his nose.

After about an hour Hinata was shaking. Kageyama decided to turn off the movie. "I...I'm not scared! It's fine!" Hinata protested.

Kageyama shook his head, "No I'm turning it off. You're too freaked out."


"No. Pick some other movie."

Hinata pouted and got off the couch. He walked over to the bookshelf that held the movies. Most of the movies were for Natsu so they didn't have much to choose from. After searching for a while Hinata decides on High School Musical. "You have to sing the duets with me," he told Kageyama.

"Fine," Kageyama mumbles.

They both sit back down on the couch, Hinata's legs draped over Kageyama's lap. The movie started with the first song which the two sang together. Kageyama somehow ended up singing Gabriella's part. Next to him Hinata was belting out Troy's part at the top of his lungs. When the song ended Kageyama asked, "Why am I Gabriella?"

Hinata shrugged, "Maybe because I'm a better singer than you."

"Oh really?," Kageyama smirked. He leaned over and tickled Hinata's stomach. The shorter boy shrieked and laughed, but fought back. When Kageyama stopped tickling him he said, "I'll be Gabriella as long as I can be Sharpay."

"Deal," Hinata giggled. When Get'cha Head In The Game started, they both sang loudly. They kept singing and laughing. During the romantic duet both of them sang softly to each other. At the end of the song Kageyama pulled Hinata close and kissed him. Hinata kissed back smiling.

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