18 1 1

As I was walking down the corridors of the school, West-ville, I felt a chill crossing my back. Like someone's eyes was following my every move. Not letting me out of the thing's sight. " Chantel!" Anne yelled from a distance to make me stop. It gave me slight a fright but in the moment of a split second my neck slung back towards the voice I heard pronounsing my name.

"Hi." I said just loud enough so that she could hear me. " what you doing this weekend?" Anne asked me with a huge smile, I though the sides of her lips might tear into her cheeks! " uhhhm... I dont..nothing much." I said, realizing I use studying as an excuse everg single weekend. " oky good! There is this party at Jay's house tonight! Want to join us!?" She asked exited.

Jay, he is a tall ,very handsome lad, musclar, dark brown hair , long lashes, basket ball player, 18 years old. Any high school girl's dream boy, unfortunately every pretty face has its burdens. Jay is my best friend,Anne's new boyfriend. She has changed alot in these few months of dating him. She has been going to parties every friday night. Saterdays she is with "the gang" in the mall and streets all day long.

Now I'm the quiet one, the one who is always the third wheel ( in this case the spare wheel in the boot for emergency use only.) I never quite understood whats the fun in having booz every weekend all weekend, smoking daily all sorts of chemicals. Its just destroying you're life...it makes you lose the abllity to think and to be real, to life a realistic life and not fantasy...

"Soooo?" She asked me staring with those big baby blue eyes of hers. " uhm sure." I said fast and softly, i couldnt think of an good excuse this time. " Okay! Cool! I'll pick you up at about 6:30 at the mall?" She asked. ( was more like a command) " it's fine by me." I said forcing a very unrealistic smile.

Every thing I stood for was just thrown into a wall and has been shattered to pieces! I promised myself i would never get involved in all of this. Here i go. Everything i worked for, gone . That instant moment the bell rang to anounce the 5th period begins. " well see you tonight Chantel!" Anne said and hopped away to her class.

The rest of the day flew by fast. I got home from after school, started on my home work and relized i am actually going to the party! "Dad i'm going to go shower!" I yelled from my room. " dont use all the hot water." Dad yelled back. So after I showered I got dressed in the only nice clothing I owned, a black jean with a grey hoodie and my only pair of boots. As I was walking to the mall I felt my hart beats raising. The blood rused faster though my veins, as I saw their black porch 911 came riding up the lane. I felt light headed as if I can fall into a comma any minute right about....now... ( okay or not) I put on my "happy face" and greeted them by waving to say hello.
" whooooooooo-whooooooo!!!" Anee and Jay screamed to welcome me. " hay." I said trying not to be weird. " Oh get in Chantel!" Anne said laughing while see was staring at my hands shaking nervously. So as I opend the backdoors I saw 2 more guys.

One dressed in black with very good fave features, he looked at me and started smiling . I didnt know what to do because no guy ever looks at me and smiles. They normally pull a face or make a hideous sound behind my back. So i decided to swallow my pride and i smiled back ......

The other guy looked more mature, almost attractive. Wavy hair, big green and brown eyes, well build. I felt like an idiot! " you should get in the car." He said with a half grin vorming on his perfect lips. Man what I would do to kiss those lips! He got out and I found out he was awfully tall. "Thank you." I said softly smiling at him as i got into the car slowly,very unsure of what to do.

" You look nice!" Anne said complimenting me. " thanks..i guess." I said unsure because Anne was always so nicely dresses with her great body stucture, her milions bucks smile (always laughing), dressed in mini-skirts to show of her gorgeous slim legs, her blond curls (shoulder length) she was perfect, unlike me.

As we were riding to the party i calmed down a bit. Im going to make sure im with jay or anne whole night long so that i dont get lost or in trouble to night. Just as we pulled up the drive way, the yard was filled with cars and motorcycles standing all over the place with extremely loud music inside of the house.

Hay guys! Sorry its not that much yet! Will get beter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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