MAN I LOve tHe bEaCh

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Nour, kate, and kenza were all chillin when nazya bursted through the door yelling "oKay bItcHs WE aRe gOing tO tHe bEaCh" everyone agreed we all got changed and drove to the beach.

When we all got their right when kenza got out of the car she tripped and face planted, Nazya and Kate were dyIng laughIng. Nour tried to help kenza but she ended up falling too. Kate and Nazya were wheezing. So when nour and kenza got up we started to swim. Kate and nazya mocked kenza reminding her of her fanfiction and then keNza tHrew a fiT in the water and almOst drowned. Nour ended up having to save kenza.

Once we all got tired we went home nazya and kate started having a pillow fight and kenza ended up getting hit in the face and falling off the bed. Nour made us all go to bed.

ThE enD nexT cHaoTer comIng soOn

The adventures of Nour, Nazya, Kate and kenza!Where stories live. Discover now