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(This chapter will have a lot in it from the manga! And if you could tell who this chapter was about by the name, bLESS HIM TODAY IS HIS BDAY WHEN IM WRITING IT HAPPY BDAY HITOSHI!)

"Two weeks until the sports festival!"

Ah the sports festival, it's pretty much like the olympics, hosted at UA. There would be three parts of the festival, testing our quirks and physical ability.

It was the end of the school day, and me and my friends were walking out of school. When we approached the exit, it was crowded with lots of other people. "W-why is everyone here?" Izuku exclaimed. "Well duh, to scout the competition." Katsuki replied. "But it's useless! I'm gonna kick everyone's ass!" Katsuki yelled at the crowd. "Are all the freshmen this self centered? I bet it'll be easy to beat them with that attitude. "ILL KICK YOUR A- OUCH WHAT THE HELL (Y/N)?!" I interrupted him by punching him in the arm, hard. "DONT GO AND START FIGHTS WITH EVERYONE DUMBASS!" I yelled out. "Woah look that girl has the freshman on a leash." The same boy said. I turned and glared daggers into his skull. "Shut up or I'll kick your ass right here and now." That got him to shut up. I started to walk away from the big group, dragging Katsuki along with me. "(Y/N) (L/N)" I heard my name called out from the crowd of people. I turned around to see another student. He had blue hair and red eyes, with black under them, as if he hadn't slept for a while. He looked up and down my figure, getting a grin on his face. "I've heard a lot about you." "So?" His grin widened. "I know you're very powerful, but just to let you know I will beat you in the sports festival." I turned around and started walking again. "Oh please, save it for someone who cares." I nagged, dragging Katsuki along with me.

I eventually let go of Katsuki to let him walk on his own. For some reason that guy that called me out pissed me off. "Did you know him?" Katsuki asked me, almost reading my thoughts. "No, of course not." He nodded his head. "Well he better not talk to you again, or I'll kick his ass!" He smirked. I wrapped my arms around him. "Thank you Katsu-Kun!" His checks were tinted pink. "W-whatever." I looked up at him with my arms still wrapped around him.
"I love you Katsu-Kun." His eyes widened and blush deepened.

"I love you too..."

~(Time skip!)~

Today is the day of the sports festival, and I was sure to win. A strange woman was telling us what would happen, and that there would be all kinds of hero scouts. "Now remember, you can always use your quirk unless you have intentions of killing, then you will be disqualified." The first test would be an obstacle course. 'Well, this is kinda unfair considering I can stop time.' I deviously laughed to myself. 'Doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on people.'


The woman shouted. Everyone started running. "Oh no you don't!" I stretched my arms out and brought the tips of my fingers together, causing everyone and everything to stop. "Tch, they thought they had a chance." I began to walk through the obstacle course slowly, it's not like I was being rushed. I began to walk towards the finish line, taking my time passing all the obstacles on the way. A few steps before the finish line I decided I already won. I brought the tips of my finger together once again, resuming time. I took my last step over the finish line, gladly winning. Everyone in the crowd started to take notice that I was already finished. "How did she do that?" "What the hell?!" People started to yell. The intercom blasted out everyone's noise announcing my win. "In first place we have (Y/N) (L/N)! She possesses the quirk time, which gave her an easy win." The crowd started to cheer, and eventually everyone else finished the course too. We had a break before the next contest luckily. During the break a few guys from different classes came up to me and congratulated me, most of them flirting with me.

~(Time skip to the last contest)~

The last contest was coming up, my group had won the last one luckily. We were now doing one-on-one-combat. The same woman from earlier started to pull names out of a box. Once she did, the names appeared on a big screen.
I was up against some guy by the name of Hitoshi Shinsou. Wonder who he is. The guy that I saw from school earlier walked up to me. I sighed. "What is it?" He wore the same cheesy grin on his face from earlier, creepy. "I was just coming to say hi to my opponent." "Oh, so you're Hitoshi Shinsou?" He nodded. "But I'd prefer you calling me Hitoshi." "Yeah... Okay. So just incase you forgot, I'm (Y/N) (L/N). It'll be fun to fight against you." I grinned. "Good luck." He walked away from me. "Why were you talking to him?" I heard someone question from behind me. "Katsuki, I was just introducing myself to the person I'd be fighting, don't get worried so easily." The intercom yelled out loudly that the first fight was about to begin, me vs Hitoshi. I turned around, and began to walk to the arena until I was pulled back by Katsuki. His lips came into contact with my ear when he whispered to me,
"Be careful around that Hitoshi guy, he gives me a bad feeling." He let go of my arm and I nodded at him, running off to the arena.

I finally realized, I have no idea what his quirk is. I started to panic. 'What if he is really strong?! I shouldn't underestimate him!'
The match started when a bell rang. He started to run at me, quickly. "Ah!" I began to activate my quirk, trying to stop time, but it was too late. I did manage to stop time, but not him because his skin was in contact with mine.
"I did say I heard about you didn't I?" I resumed time. My quirk would be useless against him. I still have yet to find out what his quirk is. "Do you still think you'll beat me?" He smirked. "Well I'm not sure." Once I finished my sentence my body froze in place. I couldn't move an inch. 'What the hell is going on?!'
"You're very lucky, (Y/N), to have such a powerful quirk as yours." He inched closer to me. I couldn't do anything, accept activate my quirk again. I froze time, yet he grabbed onto my wrist before. "Wow, even with me controlling you, you can still activate your quirk." 'Controlling me? What does he mean, is this his quirk?' I thought to myself. Now,
(Y/N), you will do as I say. Resume time." I did as he said, but against my own will, it was as if I was a puppet that he was using. Everyone stared at us, me still frozen in place. "Now, why don't you come over here and give me a hug?" He shouted out smirking. 'The hell?!' My body started to on its own. I won't let this happen. I stopped time again, this time luckily stopping him too. I could move my body on my own now, he couldn't control me after I stopped time. I resumed time and walked up to him, about to hug him, but he didn't know I was tricking him. When I reached him I grabbed his arm and flipped him on his back. "AGH!" He yelled out as his back hit the hard ground, coughing up some blood in the process. "(Y/N) WINNNSSS!" The intercom yelled out. The crowd started to cheer for me. I held my hand out to Hitoshi, helping him off the ground. "I don't understand how you moved, I was controlling you. I smiled at him. "Sheer will power I guess." I suddenly froze in my spot again. "You better be careful talking to me
(Y/N), I can control you all I want." Hitoshi said, leaning closer to my face. I instantly blushed. He gave me control over my body again, waving good bye to me.

"We'll meet again soon, (Y/N)."

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