Dinner at the Rowlands

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You get to the Rowlands house and it is big and nice. In your mind your dying inside because its so nice. Cristine introduces her kids.
Cristine: Hello, this is Hunter, Brandon( I see you already met him), and Ashton.
You: Hi.
Mom: Hello
Cristine: Let's all sit for dinner.
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Dinner talk¤¤¤¤¤
Your mom talks to Cristine while helping her clean the kitchen. The rest of you are upstairs in Hunters room. Lillie is with your mom
You: Nice room
Hunter: I do most of my younows in here.
You: I have watched you and Brandon a couple of times, your really funny and sweet.
Brandon: What do you all want to talk about?
You: I dont know honestly.
Hunter: You can sit down if you want..
You: I guess
Hunter and Brandon talked about you while they walked to the bathroom while you were in the room alone.
Brandons P.O.V.
You: I really freaking like her
Hunter: Bro I have the exact feeling
You: Okay how about I ask her on a date then you get to ask her after we have our date.
Hunter: Ok but dayyyumm she's beautiful!
Your P.O.V.

You wonder what is going on. But right as you get up to ask they walk in.
You: Hey I was just about to ask where you went
Brandon: I have a question
Your mind: Oh no, I have been here 2 days. What if they think I'm annoying or uncool. I tried.
Brandon: Would you like if I took you on a date?
You: Yes. Who's driving us?
Brandon: My Cousin.
You: Ok. What time?
Brandon: I'll pick you up at 11 am? It's a surprise where we are going😉
Mom: Y/N!!!
Cristine: BOYS!!!
All of you shout: COMING!
Mom: Hey it's time for me and Lillie to head back home.
You: So I can stay longer?
Mom: You can only stay until 9:30
You: Yes!
Boys: Yes!
*You all run upstairs and go to Brandons room this time*
Its 7 O'clock and you all watch a movie. Then the movie ends and Brandon and Hunter want to walk you home. Its dark outside so you let them. Brandon and Hunter planned something.
You: Thanks for walking me. See you tomorrow.
* Brandon tries to kiss you but you stop him*
You: Brandon I really like you like that too. But can it please wait? I just don't want to rush it yet tho.
Brandon: It's ok. I understand. Goodnight, I love you beautiful.
You: Goodnight.
* Brandon walks off*
You: Hey!
*Brandon looks back*
You: I love you too!
¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Brandon smiles and walks back home and you go inside then get dressed and ready for bed.

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