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         The scene opens in Black & White. A pair of hands open the lock box and take out the key to the Men of Letters bunker. Two men, one young and one older walk down the stairs. Both men have briefcases handcuffed to their right wrist.

       Each man sits at a different desk. They unlock the handcuffs and open the cases taking out some sort of old fashioned light bulbs. They plug them to two different boards and they light up. Both men stand and walk toward each other with smiles.

        "Protocol's complete. James Haggerty." An Older Man says.

        "Peter Jenkins." They shake hands. Peter starts to look concerned. "Did we do everything right? Shouldn't..." All the lights suddenly turn on and there is a wide shot of the whole bunker.

       James looks around in a non-impressed manner. "Took three years to build this dump?" He asks.

       "Dump? Dump? Are you kidding? Do you realize where we are?" Peter asks. "This -this dump is the last true beacon of light in a world gone topsy-turvy. This dump is the epicenter of -- of the ultimate chess match between good and evil."


       The camera pulls back to reveal James and Peter playing chess in the bunker. "What a dump. You know, when I got this assignment, I thought there'd be, I don't know, excitement, adventure." Peter says.

       James nods in understanding. "There's nothing worse than adventure, my boy. Trust me." He says as the phone rings and he answers. "Extension 765. Yes. No. That's not the password." He shakes his head. "There's protocol here, young lady. We'll be waiting." He hangs up the phone. "We have a guest -- damn hunter. Frank's kid."

        "Really? Wow. What he did for her -- t-that was really something." Peter says.

       "He was something, all right." They hear the sound of the front door opening above them and get up to greet the newcomer. A young woman hauls a large bag towards them.

       "Holy buckets. It's really you." Says Peter.

       "That's right, rookie. It's really me–Dorothy. Now, which one of you geniuses is gonna help me kill the wicked witch?"


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        Crowley is sitting in the dungeon. His eyes are closed until he hears the sound of the shelved being moved. He looks up, blinking in the sudden light to see Sam coming toward him.

       "Hello, Moose." Crowley says as Sam sets a piece of paper and a black crayon on the table in front of Crowley. "You want more demon names." He crumples up the piece of paper. "I want a room with a view." Sam just smirks and turns around to leave. "We can discuss this! I'd settle for stretching my legs!" Sam turns off the lights and shuts the door behind him. "Bollocks."

        Meanwhile, Sam is working on the map table as Dean walks in through the door upstairs. "Hey. How'd it go with Kevin?" Asks Sam.

       "Oh, that little nerd is in a lovely warded hotel room in Branson." Dean says. "He's got about 48 hours of pay-per-porn and Kenny Rogers ahead of him."

       "How's he feeling?"

       Dean walks down the stairs. "Well, he stared at the Angel tablet and repeated the word "falafe" for the entire ride. Kid's cracked. I'm hoping this break will, uh, clear his head. You know, after everything that happened, I figured we could use a little break ourselves..." He opens a plastic sack. "...so I, uh, picked you up season one "Game of Thrones." Figured we'd get a little takeout."

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