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" Jade you seen what jamar posted on his Instagram page" I said scrolling my Instagram feed. He keeps on posting picture of jade and captioning how much he loves her and misses her.Jamar and Jade broke up about nine(9) months ago the nigga don't know how to let go man ,he got a girlfriend and keeps posting pictures of his ex that new girlfriend he got must be pissed but that's none if my businesses .

"I really don't care he can keep posting pictures I don't give a shit" jade said throwing her lunch getting up,Jade is one of my best friend she has dark brown hair and green eyes she very independent and don't give a shit about anything thats what I
Like about her while me and her are the same.

"Why you even follow that nigga anyway" she turned around looking at me.
"You know what imma unfollow him right now" I said going on my phone pressing in follow on his page.

"Where's ciara"I ask as the wind blow right my hair . Ciara was one of my other friend I knew her from middle school me and jade never use to like but got over our differences and became friends.
" She probably some where with her brothers,they hang around each other every day I never met a pair of siblings who like hanging around each other,others can't stand their sibiling as I can't stand my sister.

" You probably right, Mann they hang around each other everyday " Jade said while we went to the gym and to the girls locker room to change and hearing the other's talking about who with and who left who.

"OK so today were going to dodge ball as I call your name one person go on one team another goes on the team" our coach said
She went on until we found our team I was on blue side while Jada was on red. We played until gym was finished we went back into the locker room showered and went to our other classes.

When school was finish Jade,Ciara and Aubrey went to the nail salon got nails finish and there eyebrows done.They spent the rest if the day together and went there separate ways .

"Dad could you lend me two hundred dollars for tomorrow I'm going to get some new clothes and some girl stuff". I said to my dad with my twinkle eyes . I like asking my dad for money he always say yes and he didn't mind my dad owned 3 companies and worked as a doctor.
" Yes baby he opened up his wallet and handed me the money and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks dad " I walked out of his office and up to my room. I went to text Aubry and Ciara

Me: Aubreyyou want go shopping tm .
My world 🌹🌎: sorry I can't we have to go pick up my brother girlfriend at the airport ,you can go with ciara.
Me: OK imma go ask her
I exited out from Aubrey to ciara
Me:Cece wanna go shopping tm
My headache😡😜😍:yh I can go
Me : alright thanks see you
I exited out of the app went to put my PJs to go to sleep.

"Aubrey wake yah ass its 10:00 we need to pick up gf one of my brother yelled from all the way downstairs.
" I kiss my teeth and got I didn't even response to him I can't bother with the argument I got up out of my bed and went straight to the bathroom I looked into the mirror and brush my teeth and went in the shower I took only 10 minutes to get ready and head downstairs.
"Why always take so long' to get Yuh ass ready" my bother Lamar said biting into an apple.
"I take my time to get ready, why do we have to come to go pick his girlfriend,she ain't allat " from the pictures I've seen of her I said whispering to Lamar.
"Ion know but we got no choice cause when mom gone he in charge so deal with it "
We all went in the car took 30 minutes to reach the airport.
We drove down until we reach terminal 3 we waited like 15 minutes until she came out .
"Oh theres my princess limar said stepping one foot out the car to hug his girlfriend .
" ugh that ain't no princess, I said looking through car window she had on long pants with a a crop top bra looking shirt,with all ha titties out.
"Mann stop talking bout that girl what she did to you" lamar said looking at me.
" Mann you know how time I heard his ass getting mad when they break up and make up and when they break up he be taking his anger out on me,hell nawww"I said explaining to lamar.
Breaking our conversation by hand of limar knocking on the window signaling us to come of the car Lamar opened the door and hold door for me to come out
"Y'all I want you to meet ma girl shantel" he said looking at both of us
"Shantel this Lamar my brother and my sister Aubrey".he said introducing us
"Hey" said shaking her hand , she looked at in a lustful way licking ha lips limar didn't even notice limar quickly moved his hand.
Is did bitch serious she tryanna hit on my brother while she with my brother that's some messed up shit
"Aubrey say hi " my brother said looking at me sternley.
I said the most driest hi and went back in the car ready to go home the limar packed her stuff in her car and she sat right in the front seat while me and Lamar sat in the the back

I took my phone out ant texted Lamar not wanting shantel to hear.
Me: what I told you she ain't nothing but good.
brudda 😩❤: that shit foul man looking at me in that way making me feel scared😔😮
me: lol shut up 😩😩😩
brudda 😩❤ : how can I shut up over text 😌😌
I turned off my phone and chuckeled

brudda 😩❤: that shit foul man looking at me in that way making me feel scared😔😮 me: lol shut up 😩😩😩brudda 😩❤ : how can I shut up over text 😌😌 I turned off my phone and chuckeled

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Lamar 😍😍😍

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Lamar 😍😍😍



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