pt. 17/30, "Aeroflot"

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A blond woman approached them and smiled. “Ian and Lila? I am Yulia and will accompany you to your flight. Follow me, please.” She spoke to them in what sounded to Lila like a Slavic accent.

Ian’s eyes widened a bit and he leaned down to Lila’s ear. “This sure beats flying on the government’s dime.”

“I know. Private definitely seems to be the way to go.”

Yulia led them to the elevator at the top of the parking structure. Once they reached street level, a shuttle was waiting to take them over to the international terminal. The woman then walked with them to Aeroflot’s check in station where she spoke briefly to a red haired woman behind the counter whose nametag read Olga.

Olga picked up the phone and after a few words, one of which sounded to Lila like the name Ivanov, a blond man appeared through a door behind the desk. The red haired woman immediately walked out through the same door.

The blond man approached the counter and held out his hand imperiously. “Your passports, please.” Ian and Lila dug out their passports and handed them over to the man.

Ivanov quickly examined the documents before turning to an empty page in each passport and stamping a visa, which he then signed and annotated.

After passing back their passports, Ivanov quickly departed out the same door through which he had entered. 

Lila peered at the visa stamp in her passport. “That was probably the fastest and cheapest visa I’ll ever get.”

Their guide quietly cleared her throat, reminding them that she was waiting. She gestured toward the door behind the counter. “This way.”

Lila felt alarmed at the thought of what they might find, but mustered her courage and followed Ian and Yulia through the door where she saw a cubicle space filled with people seated at desks. Their guide led them to a second door through which she motioned them to walk. A long hallway dimly lit by flickering lights stretched in front of them.

“You will follow the hallway to the end where you will find your gate. Please have a pleasant flight,” the blond woman said and closed the door with a sharp click.

Out of curiosity, Lila tried the doorknob, which refused to turn in her hand. It was locked.

Eyebrows lifted, she began walking down the hallway accompanied by Ian.

“No changing our minds now,” Lila said nervously.

“It will be fine,” Ian said in a reassuring voice.

Within a few moments they had reached a black door with a bar across it. Lila hesitantly lifted the bar and waited for an alarm to sound. Relieved when all was quiet, she peeked her head through the doorway and saw that it led down a walkway to a plane door.

“Hmm… Didn’t know they had these back entrances.”

“How do you think they get the president and other important people in and out?” Ian commented.

“Never really thought about it.” Lila shrugged.

They made their way to the plane door where were met by an attractive pair of flight attendants. “I am Markov,” said the tall, handsome man who reminded Lila of a famous blond model.

A dark haired woman stood farther back in the cabin. She smiled and gestured them toward a set of cushy looking chairs that sat on either side of a table that was bolted to the floor. “Would you like a drink? Maybe something to eat?”

“Sweet.” Lila murmured to Ian.

He smiled at the flight attendant. “I’ll have a screwdriver, orange juice and vodka. The orange juice makes it healthy,” he joked.

The woman smiled politely. “And for you?” she addressed Lila.

“Um, just water.”

“I will bring it to you. Please fasten your seat belts and prepare for takeoff.”

Lila seated herself in the chair facing the cabin door and Ian sat across from her. They connected their lap belts and leaned back in the comfortable seats. An array of magazines were neatly organized on the tabletop in front of them.

“I could easily get used to this,” Lila said with feeling.

“Yeah. It’s not bad,” Ian agreed.

The flight attendant brought them their drinks and Lila took a long sip. She picked up a magazine to flip through and then leaned her head back against the headrest. Everything went dark.

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