pt. 9/30, "Orbit"

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Lila walked into an all-white room that reminded her of the factory floor in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. In the center of the room were two square posts that came up to her waist with enough room for someone to stand between. She walked slowly toward the gap with Ian on her right.

Reaching out with her left hand, Lila touched the post closest to that side and then placed her other hand on the opposite post. Immediately she felt disoriented and dizzy from the light pink, blue, and yellow colors swirling around her. Through the haze of light, she could see men in lab coats moving about in what appeared to be another research lab.

Lila heard Ian calling her name and felt her hands pulled from the posts. She staggered back, feeling exhausted and motion sick. Resting her head between her knees, she sat on the floor and leaned against the wall opposite the door. “Yikes,” she managed, “I don’t feel so well.”

“You don’t look it either.”

Her head came up in such a hurry that she nearly rolled onto the floor.

“Nice to know your reflexes are still solid.” Ian commented jokingly, but clearly relieved that she was once again back with him. “What did you see?”

“How do you know I saw anything?” Lila asked in a muffled tone and pressed her head to her knees.

“Because your mouth hung open and your eyes were tracking.”

“My mouth wasn’t hanging open,” Lila said indignantly, and then self-consciously ran the back of her hand over her lips. “Ugh. I was drooling. Sorry.” She offered him half a smile.

“Just glad to see you back in the regular world, you know, conscious and all.” Ian joked.

Lila tilted her head back against the wall. “I saw a bunch of men in lab coats, but there were all these colors swirling around,” she paused, “as though they were either orbiting around me or I was orbiting around them.” She shook her head slightly. “It felt like I was on one of those rides that spin around sideways while you’re going upside down. She paled. “I may be sick.”

“You’re fine,” Ian said encouragingly. “What were they doing?”

“I’m not sure,” she said, “but I think they saw me. One of them pointed in my direction, and he started to get excited. I think he was yelling something.” She pointed to the posts. “Why don’t you go try it?”

“Uh, uh. Always investigate thoroughly before touching anything.”

Lila raised her eyebrows. “Since when was that your rule?”

“Since I saw you turn green and plop to the floor.” Ian grinned.

“We’ve got all night,” Lila said and checked her watch. “Eleven P.M. Plenty of time for more ghosties or whatever those apparitions were.” She tugged her backpack off and rummaged through it to produce a couple of cereal bars. She pulled off the wrappers and offered one to Ian.  “Munchies?”

Ian started laughing. “I can’t believe you can eat. You almost lost your cookies.”

“I rebound fast. Something you should remember.” She pointed her finger at Ian. “How about you go over and try it now.”

He slowly stood up and walked over to the posts. Gingerly he placed one hand on each side, and Lila saw an electric arc travel over his head. Alarmed, she dropped her cereal bar and ran to where he stood frozen between the two posts. She tugged at his hands, but to no avail. He was unresponsive.

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