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when words are are bold and italicised it means they're talking directly to you
3rd Person P.O.V

*May 4, 2016*

*both girls had no idea they felt the same way about each other. Everybody else knew they liked each other except for the girls.*

Evelyn's P.O.V

I go to Valeria's house around 7am

*texts between Valeria and Evelyn*

Evelyn : Hey ! You walking today ?
Val : Yeah, gimme a sec.
*read at 7:04am*√

I put my phone away. Waiting for Valeria to come outside.

"Come on Junior ?!" Valeria says, Junior coming out from behind her. He goes over and knocks on his friends door and goes inside.

"Alright, let's go " I nod and start walking. Its silent but not like the awkward silence. Silence that shows both of us are tired and don't feel like striking up a conversation.

We end up talking about nonsense but then as we are like 10 minutes away from school Valeria asks me a weird question.

"You'll never like me like you like her huh?"

*wait. what? what does that mean? why would you ask me that?*

"Uhh no, its not that its you its just I have like certain qualities I look for and not like appearance wise just like personalities and you know you guys are very different so um no. "

Now its an uncomfortable silence.

Isabel's P.O.V

Ever since the first day I seen Evelyn walking while I'm on the bus it's became a habit for me to look and see if she I'd there walking.

**oh! there she is! hmmm that's weird her and Valeria don't seem to be talking... I wonder what happened...**

We turn into school, Jenny and I go to the library although I would much rather be talking to Evelyn I have to go and finish homework.

Evelyn's P.O.V
Me and Valeria walk into school despite me trying to get us to walk faster.

I see the bus and the small angel gets out *isabel*. *fucking 10/10 🔥. Wow. Her beauty always mesmerizes me like how can some be that beautiful. God spent some extra time on her  *

"ELENA!!!" *maybe that was too loud oh well*

"CHILDREN!!!" She yells back, staying where she's at. I start walking faster kind of leaving Valeria behind me. *finally someone to break the awkward silence *

*skip to passing period before 2nd period *

As I'm walking to History I hope to see Isabel and to my luck she is.


I end up staring at her and as she turns, I panic and run to History.

*oh my god did she fucking see me? shit.shit she thinks I'm a stalker. Yup. She probably thinks I'm weird.*

Isabel's P.O.V

*passing period 2nd period*

*please pass. please pass. *no I'm not a stalker .I don't know when I see her I just get happy* I look around for her trying not to let her see me.

*there she is!* I look down as she looks at me and I look to see if she's there but as I look up she starts running, I think she saw me look at her. *shit. she wasn't suppose to see me *

I go into Mr. Pelletier's class as he starts talking I blank him out. "Evelyn. Evelyn. Evelyn." is all I hear.

3rd Person P.O.V


During second period all the girls think about is each other. After getting into third period that's when the girls pay attention. Occasionally talking about each other.

Evelyn is nervous all day. When Isabel sees Evelyn being nervous and somewhat distant to her and Corina she gets worried. *what if she doesn't like me?*

Nobody but Kathleen and Annissa know why she's so nervous.

Evelyn's P.O.V


*skip to end of 7th period*

" I'm going to do *it* I'm going to tell her today." I tell Annissa and Kathleen.

"Your going to tell her !!? Omg bro its all good she wants you, you'll be fine" Kathleen says giving me a reassuring smile.

"Yeah she totally likes you boi, you'll be fine" Annissa says agreeing with Kathleen.

*I smile at them. I know they're trying but like everything they're saying sounds like a lie. Like why would Isabel like me ? I'm obnoxious, loud, rude, disrespectful, disgusting, I get agitated and irritated easily , im boring, and I'm unattractive. That's more than a few reasons as to why she wouldn't like me.*

"What are you guys talking about ?!?!" Eric comes barging in.

"Evelyn's going to tell Isabel she likes her " Kathleen explains.

"Ohhhh get some ;) " I roll my eyes at Eric.



"Okay. I can't do this. " I say turning to them as we walk to the bus stop.

"Yes you can. "

"Okay. If she doesn't like you I'll get you some sour worms, alright?"


"Yes, and even if she does I'll still get you some." Kathleen laughs and rolls her eyes.

As we make it to the bus stop I see Isabel. *Fuck.okay you can do this. Just tell her*

Elena comes over " What's happening?? "

"Evelyn's going to tell Isabel she likes her!!!" Kathleen whispers screams to Elena.

We stand there for like 10 minutes. Me being too nervous to go over there. Like if she says no I don't know how I would react.

Kathleen, Annissa, and Elena have had enough of my nervous shit. They call get over.

"Isabel! Evelyn wants to talk to you!"

I glare at them, shooting daggers at them with my eyes. "you fucking dicks. fuck you guys" I whisper as I walk over to Isabel.

*just stay calm. calm. Calm. CAlm. CALm. CALM. *

"H-hi " * what a great way to start Evelyn*

"Hey ! What did you want to talk to me about?" She smiles.

"O-okay. I-i uh um w-wanted to tell y-you t-that " I put my hand over my lips. My lips are literally fucking shaking. *WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE NERVOUS*


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