I - Complications

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"Fedora Kale, you have to be the most insane girl I have ever met."

"Thank you, Luca." I grinned at him, dropping into the softest chair in the meeting room, "That's probably the best compliment I have ever recieved."

"It wasn't meant to be one." He grumbled, sitting down across from me, "You were told to try and reason with the Commander. Not scare the shit out of him and suicide dive out of a window."

 "I'm sorry," I leaned back casually in the chair, "It's just the way I operate. You know that, Luca."

"I do." He grimaced, "That doesn't mean I like it."

"I never said you had to." Knowing that Luca was working himself up to rage at me, I tried to change the subject, "What's our next plan of action?"

He glared at me, letting me know that he knew what I was doing, but answered my question anyways, "First of all, we need to get rid of who's ever in charge of the Possibles these days."

"Why?" I asked, "Did they send us another letter?"

"You bet they did." He reached across the arm of his chair and held up a small envelope, "Listen to this."

He opened the envelope and unfolded the piece of paper, beginning to read, "To Agents Fedora Kale and Luca Somerson of the Defiance,

It has come to our, the Council of Possibles, attention that you are both under the age of 18. Miss Kale being 16 and Mr. Somerson being 17. This being said, your "revolt organization" must be disbanded immediately. Since neither of you are of legal age to run it, you must hand the reins over to a qualified adult."

Luca paused there, raising an eyebrow at me, waiting for my sarcastic comment. It came without fail, "Qualified adult?" I scoffed, "Like we'd ever hand the Defiance over to those assholes."

"But wait! There's more!" Luca grinned at me and continued to read, "Adults that would be suitable for this include Gregor Allan, Kristopher Malloney, and myself, Jared Sockel. Please respond immediately with your choice. If you do not respond, we will be forced to terminate your group.

Best wishes,

Jared Sockel."

"So that's why the most recent letters have been so nice!" I exclaimed, "They got Sockel in charge now! When the hell did that happen?"

"More to the point," Luca muttered darkly, "Why didn't any of our spies in the building report it?"

"Who do we have in there again?" I'd always been hopeless at remembering the names, so that had become Luca's job.

"Ash, Leonard, and Pez. You going to go check them out?" He added the question as he watched me stand up.

I formed a fist with my hand a ball of silver energy surrounded it, "You're damn right I am."  

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