I guess I was lucky I didn't get stopped by anyone on my way to the room Ash, Leonard, and Pez shared.
That could be attributed to the fact that I kept my fist glowing and a glare on my face the entire walk there. Well, you do what you have to do. In my case, what I have to do is intimidate people. It's how I've kept my high position all the time.
When I reached the room, I rapped on the door as hard as I could, "You better open this door quick, you little bastards." I shouted through the wood, "It's Kale."
All I heard for the next few minutes was shuffling and muffled voices, nothing that suggested they were going to let me in. So I did the reasonable thing and smashed the door in with a swift kick. "Why the hell are you dawdling?" I yelled as soon as I entered, speaking before I could actually see the situation.
When I did realized the state of disarray the room was in, and the apparent absence of its members, my anger only rose. I spun on my heel, about to storm out, but then I heard the muffled murmurings again. They seemed to be coming from the closet.
Crossing the room in three strides, I whipped the door open. It reavealed Ash and Leonard tied to chairs and gagged. A light gray sticky note was stuck to Ash's forehead, slightly covered by her pale blonde hair. Because I completely had my priorities straight, I snatched the note first and read it before untying the gags.
Fedora (you snoop),
I betrayed you guys and left. Okay.
I know your secrets and the Possible secrets. It's a win-win situation for me. Regrettably, not for you.
Suck it up.
Best Wishes,
(Former Agent) Pez
As soon as I finished reading, I crumpled the note into my fist and threw it to the ground. "Pez. Damn that son of a bitch!" I started pacing and muttering, trying to formulate an assissination plan for him, and probably would have been at it for hours, if Leonard hadn't let out an extremely indignant grunt.
Sighing, I took of their gags and untied them from the chairs. While they glared at me, rubbing their wrists, a sudden thought struck me, "You're Impossibles. Why couldn't you escape?"
"It was Pez." Ash said quietly, "We never suspected him of treason, let alone having Control products."
"We never had reason to suspect him." Leonard put his arm around her shoulder, "He was the perfect agent."
"Control products, you say?" I fingered the rope gingerly, and could feel the little currents of energy zipping through it. Recent developments in Possible technology had led them to discover that they could somewhat control Impossibles through a certain type of nuclear energy. The items charged with the energy, named Control products, were sold out as soon as they hit the market. You could bet that every Possible supporter had at least three Control products in their house at any given time.
"Yes." Leonard grimaced, "He had a bunch. Caught us, tied us up, and simply walked out of the building. That was four hours ago, so there's no way you'll catch him now."
"Too bad." I murmured, "Was Pez volunteering to deliver the reports to Luca and I recently?"
"Yes," Ash said, uncertainly, "Why?"
My gaze hardened, "We never recieved them."
"Oh." Leonard frowned, "He seemed so, I dunno, sincere about everything. Always the saint."
"He was also a traitor, apparently." I grinned, somewhat dispiritedly, but a grin all the same. "Now, what are we going to do about him?"
Ash walked over to the trunk at the end of her bed and rooted through it for a second. When she came out, she was holding a wickedly sharp dagger, gleaming in the soft sunlight coming through the window. "We're going to catch him," She said determinedly, "And then I'm going to gut him."

Impossibilities (on hold)
FantasyI leaned forward, whispering as if it was a big secret, "I am Impossible." Then I flipped backwards out the window, loving the feeling of the air rushing past my face as I raced towards my Impossible death.