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Could you stop acting like a fruit loop? Alexis asks while rubbing her temples and staring at Thorgy who is running around the room and jumping up and down on the bed. "What the FUCK is this?" Jerick shrugs his shoulders and silently giggles at Thorgy's antics with his camera pointed at her. "Whatever." Alexis whispers and takes a drag of her cigarette. Jerick looks over at Alexis after putting his phone down and frowns, "What's wrong?" He whispers while scooting closer to her and putting his arm around her shoulders. "Nothing I'm just fine." Alexis barks, "Bullshit tell me what's wrong." Alexis sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. "I just... I was supposed to talk to my mom tonight. I'm such a piece of shit daughter." Jerick looks down and sighs, "Hun, I think she'll understand." Alexis nods and lays her head on Jericks shoulder and attemts to stay up a little longer.
 "Wow I'm pooped." Thorgy giggles after flopping onto the hotel bed for the last time, "Final-fucking-ly" Alexis whispers to Jerick while standing up and landing onto one of the beds, "cuddle me." Alexis demands up at Jerick with open arms. Jerick protests at first then he finally crawls into bed as Alexis wraps her arms around him, "Cumfy?" Alexis asks. "Jerick lets out a hum of approval and yawns, once Alexis feels Jerick's body go limp and starts to snore she decides to slip out of bed to have another smoke before sleeping. She slowly lifts Jericks body then slips to the floor. Jerick lays on his side still heavily snoring. Alexis sits down with one of her feet hanging out the window and the her head resting on the frame. She gets out her pack from her bra and lights it up. Alexis looks over at Thorgy who's sitting comfortably on the couch scrolling through her phone, "You ok?" Alexis asks taking a drag. Thorgy looks up with a straight face for a second then grins, "Oh yeah yeah I'm great, are you?" Alexis slowly nods then goes back to smoking her cigarette, "How do you do it?" Alexis suddenly asks, startling Thorgy from reading something on her phone, "Do what?" She asks with narrow eye brows, "Be all happy and out going almost all the time. Isn't it draining?" Thorgy shrugs, "I have my moments trust me. But most of the time the motive is to make people smile." Alexis nods her head and takes another drag from her cigarette. 
Matt loudly knocks on the door, Alexis opens it with a distinct look across her face, "Holy Hell Matt I was sleeping, you don't bother me when I'm sleeping you know this and it's five in the fucking morning, c'mon man. I still have two hours before we have to leave." Matt crosses his arms and lifts an eye brow, "I just wanted to make sure you were ok that's all." Alexis groans and walks back to her bed slamming herself onto it, "I'm exhausted." She shouts into her pillow, Matt looks around the room with guilt for waking his sleepy sister then decides to collect her things and packs them up so she can get some extra sleep.

Sorry this chapter was kind of short I've had writers block for quite some time. I decided to focus on this story for a little bit now.  

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