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"Fragile like a snowflake; beautiful like an angel."


December brought harsh winds and cloudy days. The students at Hogwarts stayed inside their warm common rooms to enjoy cups of hot chocolate and warm treacle tart. Well most of them did anyways.

Harry Potter though laid in his bed, curtains shut tightly and reading the love letters (again). It had been approximately four months since that whole love admirer shit started and Harry was starting to get exasperated with not knowing who he was and also by the fact that apparently everyone knew excluding him (and Slytherin, don't forget them too).

But, but, but do not worry my dear friends because Harry found out who it was on December 12 at exactly 7:46 a.m.

Here is exactly how it went.


Harry woke up after hearing Ron complaining to, "wake his arse up" as his best friend like to put it. Harry had groaned and protested until he told Ron to go on with Hermione without him.

Ron had gladly left and Harry dressed himself to look somewhat presentable, after all who knew?

Maybe today would be the green eyed lads lucky day and he'd find out who his beloved lover was (you have no idea Harry) and Harry did not want to give a bad impression. (Even if his fashion statement since first year were baggy jeans, big plaid shirts, and worn up trainers.)

So Harry whistled his way down the Great Hall to breakfast and was in for quite a huge surprise (like the Slytherins).

Unbeknown (is that even a word?) Harry sat in his usual spot at the Gryffindor table, with Dean Thomas to his right, Ron in front of him, and Hermione on his left.

Filling his plate with sausages, eggs, some pancakes, and whatever else they were serving today Harry turned around to ask for Hermione to pass him the pumpkin juice jar (while the rest of the hall fell silent, only the sounds of Harry and the Slytherins making their own noise).

But, as it turned out Harry's jaw dropped when he saw not Hermione his best friend with the brown hair and soft eyes, but Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, sitting next to his dear intelligent friend and chatting away like they were the best of friends.

Not only that, but all of his friends were talking to Malfoy (hello people, the guy who tormented us and lets not forget hated me and probably still does -even if he blushes when he see's Harry) as if he was just another friend of the group.

Laughing at his jokes (that were not even funny!) talking about wand movements, explaining Quidditch movements (Ron you cannot be giving information like this to the enemy....) wait a second here.

"Malfoy?" Harry barely squeaked out.

The rest of the hall held there breaths in, this was it. This was the moment they were all waiting for. Finally after four months, four months, it was really going to happen.

Malfoy turned around to face Harry and blushed that beautiful rosy red color that dipped down his pale neck and Harry was more than sure it spread through his entire chest, (not that Harry thought about it. How pale and hairless it was, with two rosy pink nipples... okay lets stop that train of thought there are people here!) and smiled that shy fucking smile that had Harry feeling so lightheaded and all his blood rushing south.

And, oh God, those gorgeous grey eyes that glinted almost like a silver color like a blade and oh shit.

Shit, shit, shit. Oh fuck, fuckety fuck of the fuck's sakes.

Harry's eyes widened almost comically and his jaw dropped even lower (if that was possible) when he finally pieced all the clues together.

Holy Merlin's balls! Grey almost silver eyes. Pale fucking skin. Use to be enemies. Opposite personalities. Everyone always talking about Malfoy whenever Harry asked about hints to his admirer. The shy smiles, the tentative eye contact, that blush, the 'accidental' touches. The professors always partnering him up with the blond.

It all made such perfect sense now. How could Harry not have noticed?! Merlin's shit balls! His secret admirer was Malfoy. Draco Malfoy! (No shit, Sherlock)

And do you know what the dumbtwit did?

Harry gathered himself up, pointingly not looking at Malfoy or anyone else for that matter, picked up his plate and stalked off to the Slytherin table.

And the rest of the school groaned out loud meanwhile Draco looking dejected because for a moment there he had thought that Harry damn Potter finally had it figured out.

But no, instead he left the table and sat with the Slytherins. Because, according to Harry two could play this game.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2020 ⏰

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