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This whole Love letter shit was really getting on Harry's nerve. The whole Gryffindor house had been teasing him constantly about the words on it and were now using it to have a laugh at him.

They weren't the only ones though, the Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaws's were sending him knowing smiles and occasionally they would mutter under there breaths phrases here and there from the letter.

How they all found out what it said, Harry had no idea, but he was betting it had to have been Dean and Seamus. They had been giving him looks and wiggling there eyebrows at him daily.

Harry was actually quite glad that the Slytherins hadn't been commenting about the letter at all.

It was somewhat suspicious at some level that the only house that wasn't using it as an advantage to tease him was the one house that had bullied him since he was a first year.

But, Harry wasn't about to complain about it. It seem that the Slytherins were still coming into terms that he was gay (he was too- he didn't believe that Snape thought he was too)

He didn't blame them, he had after all just blurted it out but, since when did Harry ever think before speaking? Exactly.

It was getting quite annoying entering the library and hearing "green of your eyes will shine like the precious jewels they are" and "beauty is shy like your radiant smile". He was going to kill Seamus and Dean when he crossed paths with them.

All Harry could do right now was hope that however this mysterious person was would come out of there hidden shell and seek him out. (Or you could actually look for the person.)

October was becoming chilly at Hogwarts and Harry was still nowhere near finding out who the mysterious admirer could possibly be.

Harry had started looking at people's eye colors and paying attention the ink colors they used.

After about a week of observing Harry came to a conclusion. A lot of people used green ink apparently and a lot of the students had grey eyes.

They weren't entirely grey though; some had more blue that gray while others had green and just a tad of gray color.

He knew that the person who sent these letters had pure silver gray eyes from the first letter. So assuming that this person had pure silver eyes he just had to-

"Watch we're you're going will you!"

Harry knew that voice all too well, he groaned inwardly and helped them pick up the books they had dropped.

"Sorry Malfoy, you should have probably looked where you were going."

Harry noticed the way Malfoy immediately went all stiff and blushed (Merlin that blush!). He heard Malfoy mumble a sorry and all but ran away from him. Harry stayed stunned, did Malfoy just apologize to him, blush, and-

"Harry! I know who it is!" Hermione was running towards him at a very fast pace and she was grinning widely or madly either one, they kinda scared him.

"Know who what is?" Harry wasn't paying too much attention though thinking about Malfoys glowing sliver eyes.

They were rather ... was pretty the word? No that was too feminine, they were unique, yes unique.

It seem that even if they were a simple gray color they way they shined whenever Malfoy would get flustered they turned into a clear transparent color that looked like a mirror you could see your reflection.

"-foy grey eyes. Both of you didn't exactly get along. Hated each other I might say... Harry? Harry are you even listening to me?!"

Harry lost in thought just nodded his head and missed the exasperated sigh that Hermione let out. "Really Harry, I just told you who this secret admirer wa-"

"Hermione? Did you know that Malfoy has grey eyes? I mean I always knew he had grey eyes I just never paid them much attention before... What?"

Harry said watching with half amusement and half concern Hermione hitting her head quite forcefully onto one of the statues near a corner.

Harry now worried about his friends sanity asked if she was alright and he only got a loud sigh and a small nod from her.

They made it to the Great Hall where they sat in there regular seats on the table. Piling his plate high with food Harry tried catching conversations from his friends.

Neville and Ginny were discussing something about Herbology, Dean and Seamus were say that apparently Blaise Zabini was a "quite good looking lad and has a nice arse," Harry looked at the Slytherin table and saw the same thing he always did.

Parkinson and Zabini were eating each others faces off, Nott and Elizondo were in a rather heated discussion, Goyle was just wolfing down his third? plate now, Williams and Jansen were talking, and Malfoy... Malfoy was staring at Harry again.

This time the stared at each other longer than usual and they only broke eye contact when Harry heard Ron say, "Stop eye fucking Malfoy, Harry" leaving a very red face Harry and a loudly laughing table.

The only reason why Harry was red was because he was caught staring, not because he was actually gazing at Dra-Malfoy longingly.

And he definitely didn't stare at Malfoys arse, which was very round and well, round, and it was probably pale and creamy just like the rest of him and oh so firm.

Nope he defiantly didn't notice none of this. 

At all.

(Can you hear the lie there?)

Draco Malfoy
Jerry Jansen
Anthony Blacke
Theodore Nott
Terry Boot
Justin Finch-Fletchley
Anthony Goldstein
Ernie Macmillan

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