The Beginning

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Hello my name is Isabella. Today my life is going to change for good. Before i can tell you the story I must start from the beginning. Me and my best friend Hunter go to this abandon warehouse with a couple of our friends. There we like to play and dance to music.

We go over there every night but one night was different. It was also the day i was told that my family hunts and kills vampires. My dad gave me a dagger to keep on me at all times. It also can turn into a pen so that it looks normal. That night when we get there we all heard something outside.

Hunter went to go see what it was. We all waited for about 30min. I went to go look for him while everyone elsestayed in the warehouse.

"Hunter where are you? Where did you go? Hunter?" Why is he not answering me? "Haha very funny hunter. Now come on where are you. Come on out your scaring me." When I hear a noise I pules out my dagger just in case.

"Hello little girl. What are you doing out here? Its not safe for soneone like you. Why don't I take you home to your dad."

Well that is hard since we kill people like them. "Yea sure why not, but first you must surive this." After I have gave him a little cut all of a sudden he disappered into thin air. Hunter is found the next day. I found him in my back yard all strached up and had something on his neck. Its a bit,but why did they want him. What does he have to do with anything. Maby my dad can help me but he is not home today.

"Isabella where am I. Why can't I remeber anything from last night. What happened to me?" Its worse then i thought. Why did they have to bit him. Maby the sun would tell us if he is a full vampire yet. "Hunter does the sun hurt when it touches you?" I hope he says no, because if he doesn't then I might have to kill him with the rest of the vampires.

"No but it is bright. Please can you stop shining it in my face please."

"Oh. Sorry I forgot that you were in the dark all night long. How did you survive within that cold?"

"I don't remember. Its all still a little hazy. Maby I Can tell you tomorrow."

Wow. He really must not remeber what happened to him last night. What I want to know is why were they not able to get into the warehouse. No wonder there is something about that place that made me fell safe. There must be something to keep them out, but what could it be.

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