Dead Outs

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District 1: Anthony
District 2: Ian
District 3: Mari X
District 4: Noah
District 5: Lasercorn
District 6: Olivia
District 7: Jovenshire X
District 8: Shayne X
District 9: Keith X
District 10: Courtney
District 11: Wes
District 12: Sohinki X

District 1
Anthony woke up when he heard something. The sun seeped light into the cave, and he saw Ian sleeping right next to him, so the noise wasn't him. Anthony saw the creature and immediately grabbed a stick to bat it away from their supplies. The large rodent, possum-looking creature hissed and ran out of the cave. Anthony shook Ian awake.
"What?" Ian asked as he sat up, concerned about whatever reason he was woken up for.
"Nothing, something was digging at our stuff, it knocked over your water there," Anthony rubbed his face and pointed to the water bottle that was now on it's side, with some water leaking out.
"Oh, we didn't have any food anyways, it was probably just curious," Ian kneeled at their things to search through. "Yeah, nothing," Ian concluded. He grabbed his water bottle, which still had some water in it.
"Be careful, I don't know what that thing was, it could be dangerous," Anthony warned, laying back down. He closed his eyes.
Ian started coughing and spitting. Anthony shot up, and Ian was kneeling, facing away from him, still in a huge coughing fit.
"Ian? What's going on!?" Anthony crawled to his side, and Ian was slowly, trying to lay on his side, he couldn't stop coughing, he was trying to spit something out. But he had already drank the water.
Ian couldn't reply, he just squeezed Anthony's hand, and laid down. His coughing had slowed down.
"No Ian No! What's wrong! What happened! Don't do that!" Anthony started freaking out. Ian had laid on Anthony's outstretched leg, and closed his eyes. Anthony started trying to shake Ian awake, but he had gone to sleep.
A cannon went off, and Anthony lost his shit.
"Ian! No Ian!" Anthony kept shouting.
After a while, when his tears were coming to an end. Anthony had pushed Ian off of him, when he realized the game makers had it take him, so Anthony had his back turned to Ian. Anthony gathered the supplies, and threw the water bottle towards the wall, hoping it would smash, and feel pain like it had caused.
Anthony didn't know where to go, but he knew he wanted to be far from the cave. A tree is definitely the opposite of a cave, so that's what Anthony decided to climb.
He found a nice big one, and climbed.
Anthony didn't want to go all the way to the top, so he climbed near the top. He didn't know whether he wanted to win, or die at this point. He just hoped that maybe this tree would topple over on its own so that he didn't have to make a choice, or that the other tributes would all kill each other.
After about a half hour, Anthony heard something. Someone was climbing the tree. Anthony adjusted himself, and waited for the person. That's when he barely saw the person, on the other side, but they weren't looking at Anthony. It was the guy from 12. Anthony saw something in his hand like a weapon, so Anthony knew this guy was going to try to kill him. Anthony reached his hand out, and pushed the guys hand that was holding onto the branch. Anthony quickly returned to his position and heard the guy's scream. He closed his eyes. He just didn't want to open them again.

District 4
In the morning, Noah woke up, but he was still incredibly tired. He quickly searched around, before shutting his eyes and cradling his back pack. Noah leaned back against the cornucopia, when he heard someone. He peeked by the side of the cornucopia, and saw a girl.
She was from district 10, and she was headed somewhere. Noah decided to follow her and try to stealthily kill her. Noah grabbed his pack and chased after her direction.

District 6
Olivia heard the screams of Keith all of a sudden, interrupting the forest noises. Olivia shot up, and tried to quickly climb back down the cliff to get to Keith. When she jumped down the final step of the cliff, she swung her pack back on her shoulder roughly and started running for the pond.
Then she heard the cannon, so she hoped she would hear Keith continuing to call Olivia. She slow led her steps, but continued for the pond. She almost just walked out of the trees, when she heard other people talking. It wasn't Keith.
She heard the tributes leave, so she glanced out, and saw something floating in the water. She got out for a better view, and gasped at Keith's corpse. She almost fell back, but she grabbed a tree to steady herself. Olivia bolted back for the cliff.

District 10
Courtney trudged in her steps as she walked back by the trees, looking for the three guys from her truce. She heard a cannon after a while. Courtney hadn't really been keeping up with how many cannons went off, a few did though. She knew it couldn't've been any of the main alliance, Wes, Lasercorn or Jovenshire because they're big guys who could fend for themselves. Unless they turned on each other. Which could mean that they'll turn on Courtney.
Are they going to respect the truce?
They might not Courtney thought. She continued walking.
Courtney stared at the ground to watch her steps, when she heard someone breathing heavily.
She looked up, and saw someone walking ahead of her. Courtney grabbed the largest stick in her grasp and pulled it up.
"Who're you?!" She called. The tribute, a girl turned around and put her hands up.
"I'm not looking for trouble!" She called back. Courtney identified her as the girl from district 6. She lowered her stick, and dropped it beside her. She also raised her hands in the air.
"I'm not either, I'm just going to go," Courtney warned. 6 nodded, and slowly walked backwards. Courtney turned slightly right, and started running. She ran until she was sure the other girl wasn't following.
Courtney had run to a small pond. Nobody was around, but she didn't stop at the pond. She walked past it. She didn't know where she was going.

District 11
Wes thought about the cannon noise he heard before. He started trying to recall how many were actually made.
There has to be 6 left.
That's too little, Wes decided. He clutched his knives again, and stared at Lasercorn who was walking ahead of him.
"Hey Laser?" Wes asked innocently.
"If there's only two of us left, what would you do?"
"I don't know, I think it's every man for himself after that," Lasercorn replied honestly. Only, Wes knew it couldn't come to that. He aimed his knife slowly, as Lasercorn jumped over a root.
"You've been nothing but good so far man," Wes said into the air, as he flung his knife. Lasercorn didn't have a chance to reply, before getting hit directly in the back. He fell forward, as Wes rushed to stab him again.
Wes grabbed his knives again, and Lasercorn's backpack.
5 left.

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