Anger, Tears, and Unforgivness

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"What the fuck Cas!?" Dean shouted causing Cas to wince at Deans tone.

"You've kept talking to my god damn brother but not me for the past five fucking years!"
"Dean please let me explain. I really couldn't control the-"

"Don't give me fucking excuses Cas!" Dean could barely control his anger and he didn't mean the things he was saying.

He just missed Cas so damn much for he past years. When he wasn't working all he could think about was Cas, and the strong bond they used to share.
Dean started to tear up again, uncontrollable tears rushing down his cheeks.

"I waited so fucking long." Dean sniffled his nose starting to run.

"I spent almost every fucking night sitting with my phone hoping you'd fucking call!"

"I thought the worst, I thought you were done! Moved on to someone else."

Cas started to talk but Dean couldnt hear. His vision started to blur until he heard Cas about his name before everything went black.

\\ I know this is super short and I deeply apologize.
Its been sooooooo pop long since I've updated anything and I feel awful. But a lot as been going on and due to said goings on my parents took all my electronics and banned me from the internet. But will try to update as often as possible from now on for this book and the others. Thank you so much for your patience. \\

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