I found in you

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In searh of" happiness"
I got into your shadows
It was to dark there
There I realised
I need to find the switch
To switch on the lights
It was creepy Inside
It was where your demons hide
It was scary
I had to clear my path
Just kept walking
In silence , in love
I passed ur breadth
It hated uhh
Coz u never used it for yourself
I passed ur heart
It was in pieces
Each piece called
"Be careful u might cut urself while fixing me up , u might hurt its too sharp"
I met ur brain
Its filled wid crap
No path to go
Ohh !there I see a blank road ,
"She loves him more than he will ever know,
He loves her more than he will ever show "
I have no other choice
It seems I m in past
The way you love is epic
The way u live for me is beautiful
The way this path leads me is unknown
It shows me every moment of ur life
Where u did something for me
How u are living for me
How uh sacrifised ur happiness
N there I was In search of happiness
U are ma life
I cant live here
Its too dark,Idk how u lived here for soo long , it earased the best , n there I find the conclusion , its not u who is bad , u should not regret to be da demon u r not even alologise for it because nobody ever apologised to make u dat
I finally realise the switch is lost n there a piece of ur heart jumps n says "I found you ",ma light
My happiness

In Persuit Of HappinessWhere stories live. Discover now