Hello guys I'm your teacher for this book,this book will tell you all you need to be if you wanted to be a stronger witch. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 Ye will need: Cauldron:
Instruction on how to make a cauldron:ye will need a clay not a toy clay,a clay to make a pot,now shape your clay into a little cauldron.and let it dry.done.
A branch of a tree and cut any leaves and shape now your wand into a shape of wand and put a real quartz in the end of your wand.at midnight dip it at the running water and imagine a white power going in the wand.
Altar:a metal or a silver plate draw a star in the plate and cut the spaces and done.
Spellbook:ye will need empty notebook or an old folder.in notebook,you write every spells that you read or think.in old folder,fold the folder into half and write the title named Spellbook like mine and add pages and write the spells
Here is my spellbook:
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