New Students

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"Hurry up! We're gonna be late!" I yell to my sisters. I swear their time management skills need work. It's out first day back from Christmas break, I do not want to be late for the first day of the second half of the school year.

"I'm almost done, Blossom!" Bubbles tell me. I look over to her and see that she's stuffing Octi into her backpack.

"There, all done!" She beams at me.

"Good." I smile back at her. Bubbles has always been my favorite sister. She's so sweet and ACTUALLY LISTENS TO WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!!!

"BUTTERCUP!" I yell, already knowing her reply.


As expected.

I sigh, already drained from her attitude. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look over to see Bubble's baby blue eyes looking at me with sympathy.

"We can go now. I'm sure Buttercup will catch up," she says sweetly.

I sigh again and look at the closet. Buttercup still hasn't come out yet after 20 minutes. She literally only wears one outfit...does it really take that long to get ready? I mean come on. Bubbles and I are ready for school and we have to do way more than her. I cook breakfast and Bubbles fixes lunch. Buttercup only has to make the bed and get herself ready. And it's not like it takes that long either. All she had to do is get dressed, eat, and brush her teeth. That's it. She doesn't even have to do anything to her hair unlike Bubbles and I. Her hair is literally in a permanent position. You know what? Buttercup is probably talking to her blanket again. She said she was over it in kindergarten, but I think-

"Blossom?" Bubbles interrupts my mental rant.

"Huh?" I ask. I totally zoned out there. Better now than in class or fighting a monster I guess.

"Are we going to school now?" Bubbles asks.

"Yeah, sorry," I answer. I turn back to the closet and give Buttercup one last warning.



I sigh and Bubbles just shrugs. I'm pretty sure all this sighing I'm doing is bad for the ozone layer.

Bubbles and I fly to school in about 45 seconds with 5 minutes to spare. Better to be early than late.

Bubbles and I put away our things and get ready for class to start. As our 8th grade teacher is opening the door to walk into the classroom, Buttercup flies in at light's speed through the window and crashes into a chair in the back. That's when I notice three extra chairs in our classroom.


The next second, our teacher walks in looking slightly more dead than usual.

She sighs (again, probably bad for our atmosphere) and begins to speak.

"Class, we'll be having 3 new students starting today."

At that, our worst enemies walk through the door. Butch, Boomer, and (ugh) Brick. I stare at them in shock.


Brick's eyes meet mine and a smirk stretches across his evil little face.

"Class, I would like to introdu-"

"Listen up!" Brick interrupts. "I'm Brick, and these are my brothers Boomer and Butch." Boomer waves excitedly and Butch laughs like the maniacal munchkin he is.

"Yeah we're new, but don't think you can push us around like we're pansies cuz we're not. In fact, we can and will beat up every single one of you." His eyes single me out at that and I squint my eyes into a glare.

"So do as we say and we'll have a good year. Got it?"

Everyone nods except for me and my sisters, even the teacher looks terrified of them. I don't blame her to be honest.

"Good. Thank you for your time. It's gonna be real interesting from now on. Believe me."

With that, Brick finishes his speech and walks down the aisle to my left. As he gets to the seat next to mine, I'm suddenly relieved that Mitch sits next to me. Sure he's a rude jerk that constantly puts stuff in my hair, but at least he's not Brick.

Speaking of Brick, he stops at Mitch's desk and glares at him.

No Mitch. Of all the times to be a stubborn good for nothing twit, now is perfect.

But of course, Mitch wordlessly scrambled out of his seat and ran towards an empty one by the window. I glare at Brick as hard as I can without lasers coming out of my eyes, and he just smirks at me while propping his feet on the desk. He leans back with his arms behind his head and winks at me.

Repulsed by this delinquent, I scoff and turn to the front of the classroom, where our teacher is talking about the War of 1812.

All throughout the lesson, I take notes as I usually do, but I couldn't help but feel the burning gaze of my evil doppelganger on me the entire lesson.

This is gonna be a long school year.

A/N: Omg hi!!!!!! You have successfully completed the first chapter of my first PPG book. I have to say I'm pretty excited about this one. This story is one of my own with a few references to the show. This doesn't follow the actual series, just something that I thunked up. I like romance and have always loved the idea of the PPG and RRB getting together (even though they're like 5) so I decided splatter my imagination on Wattpad for all to enjoy. I 💖 you. Byeeeee!!!!!

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