My Hero

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I breathe in the fresh air of the outdoors, ecstatic to get away from Brick. I swear he get on my nerves on purpose.

I sit down at my usual table, the smart people table. Some people call us nerds or dorks, but they're just jealous that they have the IQ of a used tissue.

Opening my pink lunchbox, I see that Bubbles packed chicken noodle soup with an apple and a carrot sticks. Once again, Bubbles is my favorite sister. I take everything out and see she included a pack of her favorite gummies, Smiles.

I open the container with my soup and take hold of the matching spoon. Just as I'm about to take my first bite (or drink or whatever you do to soup), someone plopped down beside me. I had a feeling I knew who it was, but when I looked up at the petrified faces of my lunch companions, my suspicions were confirmed.

"You're dismissed," I heard Brick's annoying cocky voice say beside me. The others moved faster than I thought humanly possible and soon it was only me and Brick alone together.

I sigh and start packing up my things to go find less bothersome company. As I stand up, I feel Brick hold on to my arm. I look down at him and he keeps his focus on the table.

"You can stay," he says. I don't know if it was the lack of arrogance in his voice or the slight pink I could see on his hidden face, but I sat back down with him.

Once again I unpacked my soup and began eating. Brick looked at my lunch and cringed. He then took out a brown paper bag and dumped out the contents including a burrito and at least 30 pieces of candy.

How are you not obese? I thought to myself.

"Easy, kicking your butt is great exercise," Brick said snarkily and he bit into his burrito.

I blushed firecly, realizing I must've thought out loud, and just focused on my food to avoid embarrassing myself further.

We ate in silence for the rest of the lunch period. I'm using silence loosely considering Brick has the manners of a starved wolverine. But we didn't talk, and for that I was mostly grateful. However, a small part of me was disappointed that Brick didn't keep up our conversation. As much as I hated to admit it, he is a great source of entertainment.

Lunch was finally over and we headed to our next class: Earth Science.

I headed to my seat in the front of the class as usual and started to get out my books. When I looked up, I saw Brick walk through the door and up to my desk. I held my breath, waiting to see what he was going to do. He smirked and walked past my desk.

I let out the breath I was holding and accidentally froze the eraser on my pencil but I really didn't care. At least I'll have an hour away from him.

I felt a light tap on my back and assumed it was Robin asking for a pen as always. I grabbed the one I had already set out for her and turned around only to come face to face with Brick.

He looked down at my pen and said, "Thanks toots," before taking it. Normally I wouldn't have let go, but the brief second I let my guard down cost me a pen...he never gave it back.

It was the end of the day, and after getting the books I need out of my locker, I walk to Bubble's locker so we can go home together. Buttercup is trying out for the football team today and won't be back until later.

"Hey babe," I hear behind me, and I wince a little because I know who it is. And quite frankly, I'd rather it had been Brick.

"Hello Mandark," I say as bored and monotone as I can manage. He and Dexter are always competing with each other for me. I've already tried telling them several times that I'm not interested in either of them, but they won't listen.

It makes me think that they don't even like me, I'm just a prize trying to be won by two idiot geniuses.

"Don't you think?" I hear his annoying voice question.

Normally I'd just agree to spare their feelings on the fact I wasn't listening. But this is Madark...I don't care.

"What?" I asked. He puffed out in annoyance and started to repeat his question when I saw an escape. It's a last resort and I'm probably going to regret it later, but I need to get away from this fish smelling weirdo.

"I'm sorry Mandark, I have to go," I interrupt him and speed walk towards my unlikely savior.

"Hey," I say with a smile because I still feel Mandark's eyes on me.

I guess Brick saw the desperation on my face because he paused for a moment before giving me a surprisingly sincere smile. "Hi."

I felt something wierd in my stomach but pushed it down for the sake of our performance. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and glares backwards at Mandark. He turns back to me after a short second and I assume Mandark went running for the hills.

"Where you headed?" Brick asks me.

"Bubble's locker," he nods and starts to walk me to it.

I could feel the eyes of our peers burning into us as Brick walked with his arm around me possessively and me not punching him for it.

But I get it, who would've thought that we'd be within a mile of each other and not fighting, let alone touching willing and nonviolently.

As Brick's arm lifts itself from my shoulders, I find myself missing the contact and warmth. But then I chastise myself for letting myself get too caught up on the act.

Because it is an act and I could never feel anything other than hate for a villain...yeah.

I finally look around and find that we're outside.

"I thought you were taking me to Bubble's locker!" I yell at Brick.

He just shrugs and starts to levitate. "I asked where you were going, I never said I'd take you there." And with that he flew off.

I just stand there dumbfounded, and get the feeling there's a double meaning in there somewhere. After a few seconds of just staring at the sky, I turn around and go back to get Bubbles.

A/N: Ok, just a slight change to the story, they're in 8th grade, not 6th. That's what the update in the last chapter was about, that and a little editing. That's it, have a beautiful week and I love you all 😊😙💜

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