~Chapter One: In The Dark

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"I wouldn't say that it counts," Nina Parse said to me. She was a perfect, sweet little brunette girl that everyone loved. Her and seven other girls lounged around my house, sitting in a huge circle. 11:21 was the time. It was almost a ritual of ours to always have a sleep over every Friday at my house, since 6th grade. Just the usual get together between friends, old and new. Different people flooded my house every weekend, and sometimes I didn't even know them. But it didn't matter much, because everyone was welcome.

And by everyone, I mean everyone.

The first sleepover of Sophomore year, my parents allowed me to invite guys over. I mean, I still would have, but at least I don't have to sneak around with it. They aren't home enough to even watch who is here, and my brother doesn't care.

"Why doesn't that count, though?" I asked, throwing a pita chip at my mouth, but missing. My eyes felt heavy, and I knew that I'd be the first to fall asleep. My friends were teasing me about my lack of dates, and kisses. They all had plenty of those, and I was the odd one out.

"Well one, he asked you to the dance, and that was all." Claudia Childers added. She paused for a moment, admiring her wavy blond hair. She caressed her soft waves a little bit too long. "Wait, did you even kiss him?" That him she was referring to was none other than Finn Hemmings, the black haired and green eyed soccer player. He had asked me to homecoming when we were Freshmen, and of course, I accepted. I would have been crazy to decline his offer. I didn't crush on anyone at all that year, though. Not even him.

I scoffed. "Well, I-"

"She did kiss him," Eli Lafond interrupted. He sat with four other guys in what I called, "The Guy Corner". In that corner, there was him, Tristan Rockett, Jasper Wiklunn, Oliver Portis, and Ethan Collings. All Sophomores. In our clique, we never really talked to anyone out of our grade. It was sort of like an unspoken rule.

"How would you even know?" Jasper asked, narrowing his eyes at him. It was a bit funny to see our guy friends dressed in their sleepwear, opposed to what they wear to school everyday. But there was another unspoken rule, that nobody could come under dressed.

"Of course Eli knows. Celeste and him were dancing," Thalia May started, "and Finn and Kasey were close by. All they were doing was sucking face-"

My face heated up. It was my first kiss, and Celeste had pressured me into going for it. It was the most awkward thing when it happened.

The loud, thumping music made my heart vibrate, and beat even faster than it already was. My pale cheeks were blushing, because Finn had just made me laugh so hard about whatever funny thing he had said. It was that moment that there was nothing else left to say, so I didn't say anything. He looked into my green eyes, still smiling from the joke. I inched closer, and closer to him, bracing myself for impact...

"Where is he anyway?" Celeste Bank asked, looking around the crowded basement. She got off of her green sleeping bag, stood up, and straightened her white tank top. "I'm making a run to the kitchen. Anyone want anything?"

A loud roar of talking exploded as everyone answered her. "Wait, wait," I told them, standing to join her. I ran my fingers through my light brown hair before speaking again. "We're about to watch some scary movie, Insidious or something, so we're about to make some popcorn.

Again, a loud roar of conversation erupted again. Celeste and I exited the basement, climbed up the stairs, where the noise of the talking was non existent. I continued to walk behind Celeste to the kitchen, but suddenly, she stopped.

I almost slammed into her back, but luckily I caught myself. "I need to talk to you."


"It's about Tristan."

"I barely know him. You were the one who brought him here."

"True, though. But still. You two would look cute togeth-"

"Not this."

"What? Just trying to help."

"Like you helped last year?"

"I got you a date to homecoming."

"Which I could have gotten alone."

"That didn't turn out so well anyway. But really, you need to start dating someone. Now."

"I thought you of all people would know that I have a hard time with that. Besides, why?"

"Because who wants to be the third wheel?"


But still.

"What do you want me to do, anyway?"

"Try your best this year," Celeste said. "the whole year, to get someone. And don't stop until you get them."

"And what if they're taken?"

"Don't stop until you get them."

What's the most awkward thing ever? Watching a scary movie while basically a stranger is holding you in their arms. Tightly. I couldn't breathe, and couldn't swallow. Any sudden movement I felt was forbidden. For the first time ever, I was uncomfortable in my own house.

Tristan was cute, sweet, and down to earth. But I didn't know him. We were acquaintances, not friends. And I don't think I'd date anyone if we weren't close first. I would hate to jump into things too fast - it makes me feel like the relationship itself will move too fast, too.

"I, uh, I'm going to the bathroom." I said, finding an excuse to get out of Tristan's grip.

I struggled to get up. He wouldn't just simply let me go. First, he said, "Don't be too long." Which kind of creeped me out. But what creeped me out even more was the fact that he kissed me on the lips without my permission. It took me everything in my power to not turn around and slap him right in the face.

Great. My second kiss, stolen. And by who?

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