The Best Man Win

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"Chanyeol-ah, what are you doing here?" she ran towards him and casually hugs her best friends. The hug being taken differently from both sides. From one sides, it's way of showing how she miss her best friends so much while on the other side, the hug makes electric shock all over his nerves. Definitely, both have no idea how to reach mutual feelings since there is no confession or declarations to make it happen.

She loosen her embrace. "I miss you. Where are you this past few days? I haven't seen you for a while" she look straight into his nervous eyes and his pupil dilated as their eyes interlocked.

"I have been chosen to be school representative on National Mathematics competition. So yeah, I need to stay back at school for the preparation before the actual competition" he can't help but smile widely at the cute girl frowning her face upon hearing what he said. Even though, few minutes before he was fumed with anger and jealousy but now it was all washed away just by seeing her beautiful face in front of him. But, since they already falls deeply in their own little world, they forgot there is a pair of eyes looking at them with his ear and neck turns into red tomato, boiling inside with jealousy at the intimacy both of them displayed.

"Aigoo, uri-nerdy yoda. You should have told me earlier. So you are together with Wendy unnie right for the competition. She must be happy" she playfully messed with his hair. He bend down his knees to let her do whatever she wants.

"Why? Why she's happy? What makes her happy?" her remarks on her own sister makes him confused for a second. Why suddenly she said that and that makes him even more curious.

"I don't know. Ask her by yourself. Oh, by the way. Come here. Meet my new friends" she dragged him to where she sat before and gesture him towards the man with white surgical mask, black cap and casual short pants. Sungjae stands beside her, Sooyoung looks like she stand in between two electric pole in front of her. At one sides, handsome yoda while on the other is mystery character whom the actual personality had never been revealed.

"Ahjusshi, he is my best friend as I have told you earlier, Chanyeol. Chanyeol, here is Lee Sungjae ahjusshi. My new friends since you have been missing" she took both man hands and forced them for a handshake. She smile satisfied as both being obedient follow her lead without any objections. Oblivious Sooyoung couldn't see the eyes staring competition between the two men, which gave each other cold stare of The Best Man Win.

"Joy-ssi, I need to go first. I have something to catch up. Oh, don't forget your promise oh Our Promise!" He walks away after emphasising on Our Promise while looking straight at Chanyeol. Sooyoung simply waves her hand as he walks away leaving both of them at the basketball court watching his back.

"Where did you met him? How did you knew him? Why did you bring him here?" before she even took her seat, Chanyeol already bombarded her with lots of questions which she simply reply with a witty smile and flashing her smile showing her eye smile.

"Whyyy?? Are you jealous, Chanyeol-ah? You really sound like a jealous boyfriend right now. "

"I'm serious, Sooyoung-ah. How did you know him? Did he wore that mask all the time? Don't you know that it is dangerous to simply befriend with a stranger. There were lots of paedophile cases everywhere yet you still oblivious of it and make friends with that strange ahjusshi" he furrows his eyebrows and his serious tone makes Sooyoung flinched on her seat. She never saw scary side of him even though they have been friends for years.

"I know but that ahjusshi is lonely. I just want to befriend with him and accompany him. I just pity him, nothing more" after she said that, her mind wanders around. Surely, there is nothing more? What if there is something? Is it just to accompany a lonely ahjusshi where day by day she became even more curious of his identity? Is it just simply 'I pity him' when she miss him when he is not around.

"Hey... What's wrong with you? Are you okay, sooyoung-ah?" her minds back to its place and right in front of her right now is Park Chanyeol, her best friend.

"I'm okay. But, Chanyeol-ah, you have no problem with whoever I befriend before, but why you are being so overprotective right now? Do you hate that ahjusshi?" she seems curious with the sudden change of behaviour from him. Before this, he simply follow whatever she said, but today, he even raise his voice and act serious all of sudden.

"I don't know. Both of you seems so affectionate with each other when I came. You never shown that kind of act in front of any of your male friends before. So, I need to be even more cautious with him compared to other. Also, what more do you know about him, except his name?" it's now his turn to thrown his curiosity towards her. What is so special about that ahjusshi where he seems to replace him when Chanyeol is missing for a while?

"I don't know. I've never seen his face all this while. He is always with his mask. But, one thing for sure, he is working with Sungjae oppa. Do you know that he even got me Sungjae oppa signed CD. He's cool, right?" she proudly show to him the signed CD but he seems to take no interest with that.

"Sungjae oppa and Sungjae oppa. Always with your Sungjae oppa. Don't you remember what he have done to you? When you almost spend your night behind the bar? Do you still idolized him after all that?" she bows her head, half-heartedly agreed with him, but the other half she remember what Sungjae ahjusshi told her about she had been forgiven by him.

"I know my limit as a fan. I can only idolized him from a far. Nothing more. I know I can't have him. He is like a star that I can never reached. So you don't need to remind me again on what had happened before!" now, she lets out whatever inside her hearts. She stomped her feet and walks away from him. Chanyeol try to reach her but simply being ignored along the way as she was hurt. Hurt by his words.

Author's Note

160702 - Short update. But, full of tension from all the three main characters. This chapter marks that the flag had been raised and the game had started. Yes, let the best man win. ;) So, I'm sure many of you kinda curious when will Sungjae reveal his identity. The evil side of me want to prolong the game but the nice and kind side of me, would like to reveal it soon. I don;'t know which side would win. ㅋㅋㅋ As always, do leave some comments, maybe by seeing your comments would make me change my mind. Who knows? 

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