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I looked around me, slightly fazed by all the darkness. However i could see trough the dark, confusing me. It was as if I suddenly had cat eyes and thus night vision. "CURSE!" A low voice yelled.

I winced, covering my ears as my name echoed trough my mind. I decided to turn towards wherever the voice was coming from and I came face to face with the one and only, Voldemort.

"Uncle." I said, looking him in the eyes. All of a sudden they caught fire as he boomed:"I'm not you're uncle! Call me Lord Voldemort!"

I gulped but nodded. "Lord Voldemort."

"Bow down!" He yelled again and i did as he told me to. I sunk into one knee and put my arm over the other. Then I bowed my head like I had seen some of his death eaters do.

I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my head before they disappeared. "Stand." He ordered and i couldn't help but growl. He ignored it, a small smirk decorating his face. "I told you to kill Ron, not yourself."

I stood up, facing him:"It was a mere mistake. Slipped in bath. Didn't take my clothes off cause i was thinking of an amazing plan to kill Ron."

Voldemort raised one of his eyebrows:"Oh really? Then what is this amazing plan of yours?"

I smirked up at him:"Can't tell you yet, i have to define it and make it perfect. I want to surprise you."

"Very well. Now as for what you have to do, you have to make Potter lonely and depressed. First you kill Ron, then distract Hermione. When Potter is weakest, strike on Dumbledore. Also, forget the befriending Potter then betraying him thing you've got going on. Be harsh towards him. Make him realise how much of an idiot he is and how no one really likes him. How everyone only likes the boy who lived. Nobody likes the actual Harry." He spoke, laughing like a maniac.

I couldn't help but chuckle:"Yes my lord, consider it done."

With that everything started to fade and i praised myself for my amazing lying. Now, I had to make a plan that seriously impressed him. With that thought everything went white.

Wait what? I blinked a few times until i realised I had awoken and was looking straight towards the pearl white ceiling with a few cracks in it.

I looked down at myself and realised that i was still in my robes. Good, nobody had seen my mark.

As I observed around me i saw that the walls were baby blue and the bed was a cream colour. I breathed in deeply as something twitched in my hand.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I looked down at my hand. Surprisingly it was engulfed in a bigger and tougher one. Draco. I followed the arm to see that it was indeed Draco.

His hand was resting on mines as his head was lying on the side of the bed. I sighed in relief, i wasn't alone. I searched for the clock, finding out that it was 02:13 A.M.

I sighed, i couldn't miss another day of lessons. "Dra- Dra-" I tried, but every time my voice would end in a barely audible whisper.

I twitched the hand that was resting underneath it, seeing as i couldn't completely move it because my muscles were sore.

As if waiting for this movement Draco shot up, his eyes immediately finding mine. "Curse..." he whispered, relaxing and breathing a sigh of relief. "How are you feeling?"

"Fi- fi- fine..." I croaked, wincing slightly at how painful my voice sounded.

"Wait." Draco muttered, before stepping out of the little room. He returned seconds later, holding a small muffin in his hands. "Madame Pomfrey said you should eat this when you wake up."

He settled back onto the plastic chair, shuffling closer to me. He helped me sit up before bringing the muffin to my face. I opened my mouth, taking a small bite of it. It tasted nice. I took a couple more bites before I felt full. "I'm full." I said, surprised at how fast my voice has recovered.

Draco sighed, placing the rest of the muffin back. "Let's go." He said.

I nodded, slowly standing up and groaning at how sour my muscles felt. "Here." Draco said, slipping one of arms under my knees and the other under my back.

I smiled at how amazing it felt to be in his arms. I yelped and grabbed onto his shirt, burying my face in his chest as he started walking. Draco chuckled.

I kept my face in his chest as we walked over satires, trough corridors and doors. Or rather he walked. He opened one more door and i felt him put me on my my bed. He took a seat next to me, his eyebrows knitted together I confusion. His eyes showed worry and guilt. "Why?"

One word that could mean so much. One word that I had dreaded to hear. One word. "I slipped." I answered simply, looking away from him. It might've been easy lying to Voldemort or Potter. But lying to Draco was a whole other thing.

"Of course you did. Of course you stepped into bath with your robes on." He muttered, his voice sounding... I don't know, angry.

I flinched away, slightly hating the tone that he was using. "I'm, I'm sorry." I whispered, looking over towards him. "It was foolish wasn't it?"

Draco looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Do you even know how big of a step that was? You're only young Curse, you can still make the most of your life. You only get to live once, don't just waste it like that! Do you even realise how many people would've been hurt?" He spoke in a strict tone. "Anyway, Snape dismissed us from detention. Go to sleep." He added, striding out of the room.

"Goodnight Curse."

"Goodnight Draco."

Losing Control - Draco Mallfoy Lovestory  - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now