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[Still Saturday]

Wait what..?

Did I hear that right?

"Harry" I whisper, feeling him remove himself from me. "Harry, you just said... "

"I know what I said" He says, "but it's true Christy. I really love you, more than anything. You're literally the best thing that's happened to me. It sounds cliche but it's true, you've changed my life in many ways" He smile, putting his hand onto my cheek and rubbing softly.

"Oh Harry, I love you too. So much" I smile, beginning to tear up.

"Are you crying?" He asks and I nod.

"Baby, don't cry" He chuckles, pulling me into his arms and kisses my hair.

"I'm not crying, I'm crying tears of joy" I laugh into his neck. He kisses me on the lips softly, smiling against my lips.

"We should probably get into the shower, we smell like come" He says, picking me up and carrying me to the shower.

"Harry! Your mouth needs to be washed with soap" I scold, making him chuckle.


I open my eyes and look around the room, noticing I'm lying in Harry's bed. I look over to Harry's side and see it's empty, I get up and walk down the stairs smelling eggs and bacon.

"Mummy!" Olivia squeals, launching herself onto my body.

"Oh my baby" I smile, picking her up and setting her on my hip. "How are you?"

"So good mummy, are you good?" She grins, with syrup all over her face.

"I'm good angel" I smile, setting her down on her chair and walking around the counter to Harry. I wrap my arms around him, setting my hands on his butt.

"Morning baby, sleep good?" He asks, kissing me softly.

"Yeah, I did. Did you sleep well?" I ask, stealing a piece of bacon from the pan.

"Yeah. Are you hungry?" He asks, setting two plates out.

"I'm starving" I respond as he gives me a plate with egg and bacon and I thank him with a smile.


"Hmm?" I hum, eating a little bit of my egg.

"Daddy told me something" She grins.

"Oh? What did he tell you?" I smirk.

"He told me you said the three magic words last night" She whispers cheekily.

"Yes, we did" I whisper back, playfully.

"Olivia, can you go and watch TV or something please? I want to talk to mummy about something" Harry asks and Olivia gets off her chair and runs to the lounge.

"What would you like to talk to about, my handsome prince?" I smirk, making him chuckle.

"I was thinking now that we're on bigger step of our relationship, we should meet each others parents" He states, making me almost spit my juice back into the cup. Almost.

"Parents? As is our moms?" I ask.

"Yes.. you don't sound so thrilled.."

"Well, look Harry.... I would love to meet your mother. She sounds like a lovely lady and all but I'm scared she won't like me because I'm not like.. uh.. financially supported like you" I mumble, all shy.

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