Part 2: The Connections (Chapter 9)

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The Whitechapel Case

Horror/Suspense/Mystery (How-Catch-'Em)
Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt or Death Note.

Part 2: The Connections
Chapter 9

Serves you right, Mr. Naru the Narcissist, thought Mai, trying to hold back evil giggles. Believe it or not, she was still upset over Noll's rejection back in the SPR office seven days ago and wanted to give him a piece of her mind; but that all changed when she saw Noll's harried appearance. She saw his blood-shot eyes and his face glistening in copious amount of sweat and especially those bruises on his neck, and she found herself gaping and didn't know it. "Naru, what happened to you? Your neck—"

"I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

But Mai worried about it anyway and placed her hand on Noll's neck. Bad idea. She saw him wince in pain. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—"

"Mai, I am fine," he said; he grabbed her hand and held it aloft. "Leave it alone, before you make things worse than they already are."

"Fine!" she said, jerking her hand free. "I'm just worried about you, that's all."

"Then at least have the decency to show your concern for me in a less painful way."

She glared at him, thinking, Keep it up, and I'll show you the real meaning of pain, you jerk!

Noll found himself smirking when he saw Mai blushing in anger. He had to be honest with himself; sometimes he liked her better when she was angry, though now was definitely not one of them. "Mai, this is not the time for being angry."

"Then at least have the decency to be nice for once!"

"Mai, you don't understand—" Noll stopped. Only now did he realize he was speaking in Japanese. And one look around told him the guests in the house didn't have a clue to what they were saying.

But in reality, the guests were looking at the two as if they were seeing a couple having one those inevitable quarrels; and that notion wasn't lost on Noll's parents. While bubbly Madoka tried everything she could to hold back her giggles and Lin was reveling in Noll's embarrassment, Luella and Martin stood there speechless. They could hardly believe it; their boy and this young lady acted too much like their married selves when they were young; in fact, it was almost scary.

"Understand what?" said Mai.

"You'll know soon enough."

Awkward silence.

"Uh... Let me introduce you all to Ms. Mori," said Martin, "and this young lady, Ms. Taniyama. They will both assist in this case."

Noll gaped at his father; he couldn't believe he would be crazy enough to allow Mai on this case. But the kid composed himself, stoic face and all, and walked past Mai out of the kitchen, saying, "Lin, help me carry their luggage upstairs."

Lin did as he was told; Noll carried Mai's luggage, while Lin carried Madoka's. They were halfway up, when Lin said, "You're not taking this very well, are you?"

"And what gives you that idea?"

"You're sweating. Profusely."

The kid turned to glare at Lin at the top of the stairs. "Having Mai here is the last thing I need." And without another word, he went towards his room.

"You're having Mai sleep with you?"

Noll almost dropped Mai's luggage; he glared harder at Lin as if to say don't even think about it, before placing them in front of the room next to Lin. "There are two beds; it's not like we're sharing one. But that's beside the point. If I had my choice, I'd have her leave tonight, but that's impossible now that she's here, now that she could be a possible target, because she's stupid enough to put herself into this mess. Don't you understand? Just by being here, she's in danger. I can't risk anymore collateral in this case."

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