Chapter 5- Betting the devil

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Hey guys so im gonn give it a go with all these author notes stuff i dont know why it just seems awesome xD ok so i hope you liked my last teacher and i know it was quite short and i apologize this is a bit longer i think im not so sure, i hope you prefere this. this has abit more of the sexual side in this story so if you have little kids cover their eyes haha anyhoo i hope you enjoy this and im sorry my updates are slower than they used to be im just really busy, anyway enough of me lets get on with this thing then :O oh yeah andddddddd sorry for any spelling mistakes or punctual mistakes :O


Chapter 5- betting the devil


It has been a few days since the “incident” but I was again still quite scared when I left the house. Robbie generally preferred to stay at home too in case something happened. Every now and again the guys would pop by to make sure I was okay but Blaine was there the most. “Haha go home Blaine I’m fine it was days ago forget about it,” he sighed and slightly moved my skirt. “Does this look like something we can forget?” He said as I looked down at my huge bandage. It was only there to stop bacteria getting into the wound. I shrugged. Robbie came out of his room. He had been working on something. “Okay so the names in their gang are…. Johnny,” I frowned at that name, but let him continue. “Jason, Max, Simon and Kye.”  Blaine nodded. “Which one do you think stopped here?” “Well it was definitely not Johnny he’s still in hospitals.” Robbie winked at me then continued. “Simon and Max wouldn’t have done it they are more of the guards and electrical guys. Either Jason or Kye then…. Hmmm.” Robbie said going back into his room, he shut the door. I lie down and put my legs on Blaine, he laugh and stroked my leg. It felt….. Nice? I sat up and looked at Blaine. He began to stare into my eyes. And I stared back. “You’re so beautiful.” He said. Just like that. No thoughts on his girlfriend. I blushed a bit. “Haha shush you.” I turned my head. He moved my legs and sat closer to me. “I’m thinking of ending it with Bridget” he said with a huge smile on his face. “How come?” I asked. He leaned in towards me. And I felt his lips brush against mine. “That’s why.” He smirked. “What? You are breaking up because you kissed me?” I laughed; he smiled and shook his head. When I kissed you the other day it made me realise how much I missed you.” I couldn’t help but smile to that. He smirked and went to kiss me, I pushed him away. “No I cant first your in a relationship still and secondly I’m not sure if it is right anyway, I mean if we don’t work out then it will be awkward you coming round here and stuff.” He nodded to show acknowledgement. He shot in a kissed me, his tongue touched my upper lip asking for entrance and I let him, our tongues began to play and intertwine together. “so i’m-.”  Robbie stopped talking and I instantly pushed Blaine away. “NOTHING!” I yelled. “I saw you.” Robbie said hitting himself in the face. “Next time do it in your room.” He said and sighed. “I’m going out for abit… Blaine you’re coming with,” Blaine sighed but got up anyway. He pulled me into a hug. “Austin will be over in a minute or two Kathleen.” I nodded and watched them leave, plopping my self onto the sofa and switching ‘the walking dead’ on and began to watch it. After a few minutes or two the TV switched off. It didn’t like that channel. Ugh. I turned the stereo and blasted green day out ‘boulevard of broken dreams’ I love that song. I actually do guys I love green day they are so perf xD oh right CONTINUE WITH THE STORY : )  Austin walked through the door, he laughed. “Sorry did I walk into the wrong apartment or is it just Green Day’s Ville.” I stared at him. “Oh my… if there was a Green Day’s Ville do you think id be here stuck with you.” I smirked switching the stereo off and sitting on the sofa. He mimicked putting his hand over his heart and crying which made me laugh. “So how’re you since…” he asked, “I guess I’m okay, how’re you?” I asked. He only shrugged and went to the fridge. “The usual,” I nodded wondering what the usual was. We sat and spoke about things for hours and then Robbie walked in. “we’re going to mason’s in an hour Kath.” I shook my head. “No I’m okay, ill stay and like watch tv or something.” I smiled. “no no you are coming whether you like it or not.” He smirked. “you cant make me,” I frowned. “uh-oh.” Austin muttered. “I can make you,” he said coming towards me. “no im not going,” “get changed.” He said. I shook my head. “no” “fine go like that then.”  He smirked lifting me over his shoulder. “ROBBIE GET OFF. PUT ME DOWN.” He shook his head. “Nope I’m taking you to a party.” He said. “ugh ill go if you put me down so I can at least wear something decent.” I groaned. He put me on the ground and I went in my room. “HAHA SUCKER.” I yelled before slamming my door. I locked it and laid down. I heard him banging on my door. I quickly fell asleep.

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