Chapter 7- Oh I'm no angel, Part 1

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Hey Guys so yeah originally this was supposed to be one whole chapter but my watt pad is again playing up so I am going to post what I have so far up, also because this chapter is also a long one, so it probably would be easier if I split it up. I am sorry for the wait of my chapters I have been very busy with my corse work and GCSE work, so yeah I am very sorry but from today i will be devoting at leat one hour to my chapters so that I will be updating weekly. I hope you enjoy this chapter I know it isn't one of my bests, if you see any mistakes please let me know, and if you have any ideas or advice, also let me know. Read on :)

Chapter 7- Oh I’m no angel.


Robbie walked with me and was talking to Kyle who was holding me up as I didn’t feel too good and kept falling. “Dude she is your roommate you should be helping her.” Kyle chuckled as I hit his head. “Fine ill just let go.” He snorted in a playful voice. “Fine. Do it. See if I care aha.” I laughed as he let go. I was fine for a while and then tripped on my shoelace. They didn’t bother helping me up, “why was I dragged here again?” “Because with them lurking around our home I am not allowing you to stay there alone.” “I could have called Roxy.” I groaned, I looked around. Blaine was with mason who was talking and kept throwing glances from me to him again. It got on my nerves but I didn’t want to cause commotion again so I left it. We got to a little house, made out of stone with a wooden campfire base thing. “Taadaa.” Austin yelled showing me the place and motioning his hands towards the house. I laughed and walked to the camping base and sat on the log. “You can go inside you know...” Kyle sighed, and dragged me in. I gasped at the sight of it. Pure beauty. The inside was wooden. It had a bronze coloured floor with bronze coloured walls to match. There was a fireplace with logs at the bottom and a TV above it. Also there was a nice brown coloured sofa with red plumped cushions that I really wanted to squish. I laughed to my self and notice I was being watched. Everyone apart from Blaine had left the room. “Where did everyone go?” I asked him awkwardly not trying to show signs of panic or worry with what had just happened. “Umm… they said to you there were going swimming.” He sighed and I nodded. “You can sit if you want to you know?” he smirked. He is acting so casual, as if the incident at the car never happened. I guess I should get over it though, it was probably just jealousy. I smiled and sat down. I decided this would be a great moment to catch up with Roxanne. ‘Hey’ I messaged. ‘What do you want?’ she replied back rather quickly. Um what the hell? ‘I wanted to make sure you are okay aha’ I answered. ‘Oh well I guess I am okay, after being abandoned by my friend and all I think I am doing rather well.’ She sent 5 minutes after. ‘Do you mean me?’ I asked. She answered with nothing but a ‘yes.’ ‘What did I do?’ I questioned her. ‘Okay so we promised we would talk and hang out. It has been at least a few weeks or a month what ever and this is the first time we spoke.’  Is she seriously going there? ‘Yeah, you are right. But I am also right when I say that neither have you. You could have messaged me if you wasn’t too busy flirting with your roommate.’ ‘MY ROOMMATE! You have been hanging with yours since day one!’ okay she is using caps, stuffs getting serious. ‘Look you know what, I messaged you to catch up but now I don’t feel like there is a point. Cya.’ I sent to her and threw my phone to the side. “What crawled up her pants and died.” I muttered to myself. “What?” Blaine asked. “nothing.” I replied shaking my head. I can’t believe she is acting like that. What is her problem? “Hey when are we going?” I asked turning to look at Blaine. “Don’t really know to be honest.” He chuckled before grabbing to drinks out of the fridge. “Aha want one?” I bit my lip whilst I was debating whether I should or not. “You are so cute when you do that.” Blaine smirked making me blush abit. “Okay, pass one.” I smiled. He threw one over to me. “Blaine next time, do not throw it; its glass remember.” He nodded and smirked gulping down his drink. Mine was vodka. I drank it kind of slow hoping it would help me handle it better. I giggled to myself thinking of what I had just said. Blaine came and sat beside me. “I’m sorry for acting the way I did earlier. I don’t really know I guess I got abit jealous.” He said blushing at the last part. “But what I wanted to ask is…. Why did you go into a panic attack?” I didn’t really want to answer so I just shrugged it off. The others came in. Kyle smirked, “I knew you two would make up.” He laughed. And Blaine threw a cushion at him which made me laugh a little. “So what’s with the whole throwing your phone on the sofa and sulking thing then?” Blaine asked me. “I had an argument with a friend. So yeah.” I sighed. “Why has she got a drink?” Robbie asked concerned. “Blaine offered me one, and I mean one so don’t get annoyed.” Robbie laughed, “Why would I? But I want one.” He smirked going into the fridge. “When are we going home?” I asked suddenly. “Why, we are staying here for the night we are sharing rooms, you’re with me.” Winked Austin which made me laugh. Blaine hit him, obviously again probably getting jealous and sighed. “We’ll go when you want.” He smiled. “I want to go now if that’s okay.” I smiled back. “I will take her then and come back.” Blaine said rather quickly, a bit too quickly for my liking. “I’ll see you at home then Kathy?” Robbie asked. “Yeah sure but I need to visit my friend first okay” Robbie nodded and I left.


“Why, we are staying here for the night we are sharing rooms, you’re with me.” I winked at Kathleen who was slightly blushing. I have to admit she was really cute, and she was something. I turned to look at Robbie to see his reaction but this time it was Blaine retaliating. I knew that Blaine has feelings for Kathleen still, but I also know Robbie also has something for her too. How do I know? It is obvious he became so protective when she got attacked and claimed it was just because she pays half of the bills. Also he drags her out to everything. “We’ll go when you want.” Blaine smiled. “I want to go now if that’s okay?” Kath smiled back. “I will take her there and come back.” Blaine said in a rush. “I’ll see you at home then Kathy?” Robbie asked. “Yeah sure but I need to visit my friend first okay.” Robbie nodded and Kathleen left the hut. “Some body has a crush.” I smirked at the guys. “Who?” Kyle jumped up and down. Robbie lifted his head and Kyle turned to look at Robbie. “You like someone.” Robbie’s eyes widened. “Hell no.” he burst out laughing. “So you don’t like Kathleen more than a roommate?” I asked him. He stopped laughing and locked eyes with mine. “no.” he said after a while and looking away, I began to laugh and went outside to light one. Robbie followed me out. “So you are telling me you feel nothing for Kathleen?” Robbie shrugged. “I think she is hot, and cute. She makes me smile and laugh with how weird she is. But at the end of the day, she is just another game that I am playing and will win.” I frowned. “Don’t. Don’t do it to her man.” Robbie smirked. “Why, you are acting as if you have a crush on her Aust.” I frowned even more. “No I don’t, but she is part of us now. And she has gone through loads by what Blaine has told me. I am just saying be careful around her, she isn’t someone who is as innocent as you think, Blaine said she has a story too.” I sighed walking away. He wasn’t going to hurt her, and I know he likes her, I can see it when they talk.

Hey so I hope it was okay? Please give me your opinions and improvements on it, also if you want me to check out your stories in box me, I don't do people posting links on my stories like people have done previously and I did what I would do and that was delete them. Also I wouldn't even bother checking it unless you in box because I do not appreciate advertisment on my stories, Thankyou for reading. And cya for now :) xxx

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