Chapter One ☆ Nightmare

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Steven Quartz Universe had never expected to fear the people he loved the most.

The gems edged forward. Steven backed up. Feeling the cold brick wall behind him made him shudder. There was no escape.

Garnet activated her gloves. Stood either side of her were Amethyst and Pearl; they were also getting ready to attack.

"No!" Steven covered his head and crouched down in an attempt to protect  himself. "Please don't hurt me! You wouldn't hurt me!"

But the gems couldn't hear him. Their bodies has been taken over by something. It made them turn on him.

Garnet reaches for the young gem. She grabbed him by the scruff of his t-shirt and pulled him up.

"Garnet!" Steven kicked and struggled. "Garnet please! It's Steven! Please don't do this!"

She did it. Her fist met Steven's gut square on, and it didn't stop there. Once she had finished beating him, her grip tightened.

Steven slid down the wall, feeling defeated. He was in pain. And it wasn't just physical. When he looked up to his motherly figure, his mentor, his sister - it hurt more than the bruises and broken bones.

Pearl was next. She aimed her spear.

It was the fight or flight instinct that saved Steven from being skewered. His feet moves on their own. Picking him up and running between the gems. He stumbled a little. His breathing was ragged. Hot tears spilled from his eyes.

Something pulled at his leg. And Steven came crashing down. He didn't need to look to know it was Amethyst's whip. It dragged him back, slowly.

He clawed at the ground. The dirt layering under his finger nails.

Stopping, he looked up at the setting sun that painted the sky orange. The clouds looked so...


He Steven jolted upright. His wore his sweat like it was a mask. He turned his head left and right as he tried to gain his bearings.

"A dream?" he laughed nervously.

His heart was beginning to slow as the panic and fear melted away.

"Steven!" Pearl's voice pierced the tranquility.

Images of the nightmare filled his head.   He saw the setting sun. And then felt the stabbing pain in his lower back that dream Pearl have him.

"No!" he screamed and held up his arms as the gems thundered up the stairs.

Pearl and Garnet sat either side of him.

Steven stumbled over his words. The gems could barely understand him.

"You - you cornered me! Being con-controlled! Then Garnet... Amethyst and Pearl... you,"

He sobbed into Pearl's chest as she pulled him close. Garnet lace her fingers through his thick curly hair.

She looked at the gems, and then at Steven. "We would never harm you. It was just a nightmare, Steven."

"But it felt so real," he glanced at their sympathetic faces. "Even Dogcopter didn't appear! Dogcopter always appears!"

Amethyst had been sat at the end of the bed. She huffed and folded her arms as she stood.

"It was just a nightmare, Steven." she repeated. "Try and get some more sleep."

He didn't want them to leave yet, but he agreed anyway.

"Mm-hm," he grabbed his cover and squeezed it.

They each gave him a hug before leaving. Steven watched longingly as the retired to their room. The pleading words were on the tip of his tongue, waiting to be released.

Alone, again.

Still feeling shook up, instead of putting his head back on the pillow, he switched on the Television. The last thing he wanted to do was sleep.


A/N: Thank you for reading! Chapter 2 should be up soon.

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