Chapter 2

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"How'd it go?"

I slam my locker door shut to see Will leaning on the wall beside me, his arms crossed over his chest. If I didn't see him as a brother, I'd probably swoon at the sight of him like every other girl does as they pass him in the hallway. I'm not attracted to him in that way, but I'm still a girl, so I'll admit that he is very attractive.

"I don't even want to talk about it," I huff, positive that I failed our chemistry unit final.

He laughs and follows me out to his truck. He chuckles to himself and I give him a funny look. "I can't believe Mr. Walters sat you all the way on the other side of the room. I think he's caught on to our cheating habit."

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms before narrowing my eyes at him playfully. "Yeah, right. I'm too stealthy, like a ninja." I straighten my hands and karate-chop him on the arm a few times jokingly.

He laughs deeply. "Do ninjas use karate?"

"This ninja does," I reply, turning to face forward in my seat again.

Will starts the truck and puts it in drive before looking over at me expectantly.

"What?" I ask.

"Seatbelt," he commands.

I slouch back in my chair, my arms still crossed defiantly. "You're such a worry-wart."

"Fine, if you want to go headfirst through the windshield, be my guest."

I roll my eyes. "Like that's ever actually going to happen," I reply snarkily, but reach over and buckle myself in anyway, knowing he won't even touch the gas pedal until I do.

"Thank you," he says, twisting to look out the back window as he backs out of the parking spot.

"Do you want to grab a coffee on the way?" he asks over the music after a while.

"Do I ever," I reply instantly as he pulls into a spot in front of the small family owned cafe only a few blocks from my place.

He gets out of the truck and disappears inside, leaving the keys in the ignition so I can keep the music on. He returns

He hands me my coffee. "Cream and sugar," he confirms.

I take it from him happily. "Hey," I start after taking a long swig of my coffee. "Are you coming to my fight tonight?"

He keeps his eyes trained on the road as he answers. "I'm your ride, aren't I?"

I shrug. "I was hoping so."

He laughs. "Yeah, I'm coming."

"Cool," I remark. "I'll get gas."

"No, that's alright. I've got it."

I look over at him, but he doesn't face me. "Will, I make way more money than you do--"

"Yeah, illegally," he snaps loudly, his anger materializing out of thin air.

I turn in my seat to face him as we stop at a red light, be still he doesn't look over at me. "Where is this coming from all of a sudden?"

"Nowhere. Forget I said anything. You can pay for gas if you really want to."

The light switches to green and the car starts moving again. I sigh, deciding to drop it for now. Will gets like this every once in awhile. I know he doesn't approve of what I'm doing, but there's nothing either of us can do about it right now.

We sit in total silence for the rest of the ride and when the truck eases to a stop in front of my apartment building, I sling one strap of my backpack onto my good shoulder and open my door.

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